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2014년 4월 16일 단원고 학생 등 476명을 싣고 제주로 향하던 여객선 세월호가 진도 앞바다에서 침몰해 294명이 사망하고 10명이 실종됐다. 우리 언론은 오락가락 정부발표를 그대로 받아쓰는가 하면 초기 구조작업을 촉구하지 못한 채 오보를 남발하는 등 신뢰를 추락시켰다. 이 연구의 목적은 KBS, MBC, SBS 등 지상파 3사가 세월호 참사를 어떻게 보도했는지를 뉴스의 형식적․내용적 특징에 따라 분석함으로써 언론의 재난보도 역할과 문제점을 진단하는데 있다. 4월 16~20일 [KBS뉴스9], [MBC뉴스데스크], [SBS8뉴스] 등 저녁 메인뉴스를 분석한 결과 KBS 245건, MBC 222건, SBS 179건 등 646건이 세월호 보도였다. 그러나 절반이상(53.9%)이 구조와 현장 피해상황 보도로 침몰원인과 책임규명, 정부의 재난관리 문제점 지적에는 미흡했다. 보도형태도 르포와 스케치, 스트레이트성리포트가 많아 단편적이고 흥미위주의 선정적보도가 주를 이뤘다. 취재원 사용에 있어서도 생존자와 가족, 유관기관, 중앙정부 비중이 높아 전문가를 통한 사고원인과 구조대책 보도가 부족했다. 세월호 참사가 ‘위험사회’에 진입한 우리사회의 총체적 부실을 보여준 것처럼 ‘기레기(기자+쓰레기)’로 전락한 우리 언론도 자성과 함께 재난보도시스템 구축이 필요하다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.

On April 16, 2014, Sewol Ferry bound for Jeju with 476 passengers including Danwon High School students on board sank in the coastal waters of Jindo. As a result, 294 were killed and ten were missing. The South Korean press gave a huge blow to its reliability by issuing misleading government announcements as they were and overissuing false reports without urging the early rescue operation. The purpose of this study was to diagnose the roles of and problems with the disaster coverage of the press by analyzing the reports on the Sewol Ferry catastrophe by three terrestrial broadcasting stations, KBS, MBC and SBS, according to the news form and content features. The analysis results of evening main news programs including KBS News 9, MBC News Desk, and SBS 8 News April 16~20 show that there were 646 reports on the Sewol Ferry disaster including 245 on KBS, 222 on MBC and 179 on SBS. However, more than half of them(53.9%) focused on the rescue and damage on the field, thus being insufficient to point out the causes of its sinking, the accountability, and the problems with the government’s disaster management. Such coverage types as reportage, sketches, and straight reports were high in percentage, which means that they were mostly fragmentary and interest-centric suggestive reports. The high percentage of sources were survivors, families, concerned agencies, and central government, which suggests that reports on the causes of accident and rescue measures with experts were lacking. As the Sewol Ferry catastrophe demonstrated the total malfunctioning of our society that had entered the stage of “risk society,” its coverage confirmed a need for a disaster coverage system as well as the self-reflection of the South Korean press that had deteriorated to “Giregi (a newly coined term between reporters and garbage in Korean).”