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후기구석기시대에 日本 九州지역은 鹿兒島縣에 위치한 姶良Tn(아이라탄자와: AT)화산폭발 이후에 國府型 나이프형석기, 剝片尖頭器(슴베찌르개), 角錐狀石器, 槍先形尖頭器 등 다양한 종류의 尖頭器가 출현하였다. 각추상석기는 한반도지역과의 1․2차(잠정적)에 걸친 접촉을 통해 받아들인 슴베찌르개 혹은 각추상석기, 瀬戸内海의 국부계 석기군의 제작기술, AT층 이후의 나이프형석기 제작기술 등에 영향을 받았다. 특히 각추상석기는 縱長剝片, 橫長剝片, 일반박편 등 소재를 가리지 않았기 때문에 손쉽게 제작할 수 있는 장점이 있었다. 이러한 양상을 토대로 각추상석기의 편년은 4단계로 설정할 수 있었다. 구주 구석기인들은 AT화산폭발 이후의 변화된 환경에서도 새로운 상황에 적응하기 위해 새로운 생존방식을 모색하였다. 한반도로부터 슴베찌르개를 받아들이고, 그에 따르는 새로운 수렵기술의 습득은 생존능력을 향상시켜 준다는 집단 내 긍정적 반응을 이끌어 내었다. 구주지역에서 각추상석기의 출현은 현지에 가장 적합한 수렵구를 개발하였다는데 그 의의가 있었다.

The purpose of this study is to provide a hypothesis about the appearance and development of Gakchusang-seokki(Kakusuijo-sekki) from Kyushu island in Japan. There have been a great deal of controversy based upon the fact that this was excavated from the Korean Peninsula. The Airatanzawa(姶良Tn, AT) volcano burst into eruption in Japanese Upper Paleolithic. And then the variety of points appeared in Kyushu island such as Kofu Knife, tanged point(Sumbechirugae), Gakchusang-seokki et al. In paticular, the Knives represent a major stone tool type in Japanese Upper Paleolithic. The Gakchusang-seokkies might have a strong influence on the technique of Kofu Knife and tanged point. The Gakchusang-seokkies were often classified in terms of the retouched parts. These were categorized into point, side scraper, and drill. I propose that the appearance of the Gakchusang-seokki in Kyushu island could be originated from various techniques in different regions. The inter-regional variability might reflect the interactive relationship between raw materials and local environmetal settings. On the basis of these facts, the Gakchusang-seokkies can be classified into four stages. From the discussion above, I propose the mutual relationship model (Fig.7) about the appearance of Gakchusang-seokki in Kyushu island.

The purpose of this study is to provide a hypothesis about the appearance and development of Gakchusang-seokki(Kakusuijo-sekki) from Kyushu island in Japan. There have been a great deal of controversy based upon the fact that this was excavated from the Korean Peninsula. The Airatanzawa(姶良Tn, AT) volcano burst into eruption in Japanese Upper Paleolithic. And then the variety of points appeared in Kyushu island such as Kofu Knife, tanged point(Sumbechirugae), Gakchusang-seokki et al. In paticular, the Knives represent a major stone tool type in Japanese Upper Paleolithic. The Gakchusang-seokkies might have a strong influence on the technique of Kofu Knife and tanged point. The Gakchusang-seokkies were often classified in terms of the retouched parts. These were categorized into point, side scraper, and drill. I propose that the appearance of the Gakchusang-seokki in Kyushu island could be originated from various techniques in different regions. The inter-regional variability might reflect the interactive relationship between raw materials and local environmetal settings. On the basis of these facts, the Gakchusang-seokkies can be classified into four stages. From the discussion above, I propose the mutual relationship model (Fig.7) about the appearance of Gakchusang-seokki in Kyushu island.