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1980년대 중반 이후 침체를 거듭하던 부산지역 경제는 외환위기 이후에는 성장 동력을 거의 상실하여 10대 전략산업 육성을 포함한 다양한 지역경제 활성화 정책을 추진했지만 좀처럼 침체 상태를 벗어나지 못하였다. 그 결과 부산지역 주민들의 삶의 질도 7대 도시 중 최악의 상태로 떨어진 것으로 보인다. 이러한 과정에서 부산지역 계급 구성도 일정한 변화상을 보여주고 있다. 2005년 현재 부산지역 계급 구성은 자본가계급 5.1%, 신중간층 14.7%, 구중간층 24.2%, 노동자계급 55.9%로 나타나고 있다. 이러한 부산지역 계급 구성은 중추관리기능이 집중된 서울이나 전형적인 공업도시인 울산과는 달리 쇠퇴해가는 공업도시로서의 특성을 보여주고 있다. 한편 2009년 5월 12일부터 일주일 동안 부산지역 주민 510명을 대상으로 실시한 표본조사 결과에 따르면, 자본가계급, 신중간층, 구중간층, 노동자계급의 4범주로 파악된 ‘계급 위치’는 교육수준이나 가구 총수입 등의 객관적인 조건과는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보여주고 있다. 그러나 ‘계급 위치’는 정치적 쟁점들에 대한 태도와는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보여주지 못하고 있다.

Busan regional economy has experienced serious recession after mid of 1980's. Especially after IMF crisis Busan economy lost the growth motive power. Busan Metropolitan City tried to bring up 10 strategic industries in order to revitalize regional economy, but it was not easy to overcome the severe economic recession. As the result the level of quality of life of Busan Metropolitan City fell down to the worst among 7 largest cities. According to the changes of economic situation, class composition of Busan Metropolitan City also changed. The class composition of Busan Metropolitan City in 2005 appeared as such : Capitalist class 5.1%, new middle strata 14.7%, old middle strata 24.2%, working class 55.9%. The class composition of Busan Metropolitan City showed the characteristics of declining industrial city, quite different from the primary city Seoul and the typically industrial city Ulsan. According to the survey research carried out for one week from 12th May in 2009, the 'class position', which were categorized by 'capitalist class' 'new middle strata' 'old middle strata' 'working class', showed statistically meaningful relations with 'level of education' and 'total income'. But 'class position' didn't show statistically meaningful relations with 'attitudes towards political issues'.

Busan regional economy has experienced serious recession after mid of 1980's. Especially after IMF crisis Busan economy lost the growth motive power. Busan Metropolitan City tried to bring up 10 strategic industries in order to revitalize regional economy, but it was not easy to overcome the severe economic recession. As the result the level of quality of life of Busan Metropolitan City fell down to the worst among 7 largest cities. According to the changes of economic situation, class composition of Busan Metropolitan City also changed. The class composition of Busan Metropolitan City in 2005 appeared as such : Capitalist class 5.1%, new middle strata 14.7%, old middle strata 24.2%, working class 55.9%. The class composition of Busan Metropolitan City showed the characteristics of declining industrial city, quite different from the primary city Seoul and the typically industrial city Ulsan. According to the survey research carried out for one week from 12th May in 2009, the 'class position', which were categorized by 'capitalist class' 'new middle strata' 'old middle strata' 'working class', showed statistically meaningful relations with 'level of education' and 'total income'. But 'class position' didn't show statistically meaningful relations with 'attitudes towards political issues'.