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본 논문은 경남지역 임야조사사업의 사정과 재결과정을 다룬 글이다. 경남은 1916년 11월 조선총독부의 시험조사를 시작으로 임야조사에 착수했다. 이 때문에 경남지역 대부분이 指定地로 처리되었다. 경남은 분쟁률이 0.33%로 전국 0.6%에 미치지 못했다. 소유권 분쟁이 대부분이며, 민유림 분쟁률이 61%로 높게 나타났다. 일제는 분쟁을 無主地=國有라는 틀 속에서, 禁養과 함께 일본 민법이 정한 소유가 분명한 경우에 사적 소유를 인정해 주었다. 임야조사사업의 중심과제는 임야소유권을 확정하는 사정작업이었다. 경상남도의 査定은 1918년 마산을 시작으로 1923년 12월 김해 통영 밀양을 마지막으로 종료되었다. 그러나 사정 후 不服申請은 분쟁율의 30배로 급증했다. 창원군 사례에서 불복신청의 국유림 분쟁은 전체 분쟁필수의 65%를 차지했다. 그 중에서 국유림의 緣故者가 제기한 불복신청은 국유림 분쟁의 절반에 해당했다. 이러한 높은 불복신청에도 불구하고 소유권자는 ‘國’이었다. 사정결과에 대한 불복은 72%가 화해로 해결되었다. 이는 1926년 朝鮮特別緣故森林讓與令으로 연고자가 소유를 인정받아 국유림 분쟁이 해결된 데 따른 것이었다. 이로써 임야조사사업에서 확정된 소유권에는 절대성이 부여되었으며, 原始取得의 자격이 주어졌고 임야조사와 사정과정에서 발생한 모든 분쟁은 일제 근대법의 테두리 안에서 종결되었다.

Beginning with test survey, On November, 1916, the forest survey was initiated in the southern Gyeongsang province by the Japanese Government- General of Korea. Due to this survey, much of that region was categorized as the designated land. In that area dispute rate caused by this investigation was 0.33 per cent, less than that of national level, 0.6 per cent. Of these disputes, most was the conflict claim of ownership, among which the forest under private ownership accounted for 61 percent. The authorities, which recognized ownerless land as state-owned one, granted private ownership of land when, including the forests in which grass or trees were not allowed to be cut down, it was evidently admitted personal possession according to Japanese civil law. At the center of this survey was the assessment that confirmed the ownership of forest. In 1918 this task began to be launched from Masan and, on December, 1923, ended in Gimhae, Tongyeong, and Miryang. After that, however, the number of appeal of dissatisfaction was thirty times more than the previous dispute rate. For example of the case in Changwon-gun, national forest dispute through the appeal of dissatisfaction accounted for 65 percent of the whole number of submitted disputes. In particular, the appeal set forth by those who were closely connected with national forest was just about half of the whole appeal. Nevertheless, it was unchanged that the ownership of national forest belonged to the state. About 72 percent of the appeals of dissatisfaction in opposition to the assessment were came to a settlement. This was because they were given ownerships through Joseon Special Connected Forest Concession Act(朝鮮特別緣故森林讓與令) in 1926, and so disputes about national forest were settled out. As a result, the legal effect of ownership which was once confirmed from the forest survey project was absolute, and allowed the owner to obtain original acquisition(原始取得), and all disputes came from this survey and assessment were came to a conclusion, based on modern law of the Japanese Empire.