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졸수재 조성기에 대한 연구는 아직 많지 않다. 그는 한양 명문가에서 태어났으나 질병과 부상으로 인한 심신의 제약 조건에서 지냈고, 사회적 교유의 폭도 넓지 못하였으며, 비교적 이른 나이에 죽음으로 인하여 그의 학문적 기획이 성취되지 못한 때문일 수 있다. 그러나 그는 도하의 처사로 지내며 17세기 조선 유학자로서는 소옹의 격양집과 황극경세서를 좋아하며 또한 역사읽기를 즐겨하고 여조겸을 존숭하였다. 그는 소옹을 친구로 삼고 증점을 스승으로 삼아 안락의 철학과 천리의 유행을 즐김을 지향하였다. 사색과 관물의 방법으로 역사와 자연을 탐구하고, 천리를 찾아 이를 즐기는 삶을 살고자 했다. 즉 세상에 대한 염려와 낙천의 마음이 병행불패하는 것이 그의 종국적 관심이었다. 그는 태도에 있어서나 취향에 있어서 그리고 학문적 지향과 체득에 있어서 후세의 소옹이라는 평판을 들었다.

There is a few of papers on Jolsujae`s studies of Shaowong. Although he was born in the very famous family in Seoul, he spent his life lonely under the harsh conditions because of severe diseases and accidents, namely with physical handicaps. He had no many friends, and had died early in the age of fifty-one year old. He had a dream of writing the book similar to Shaowong`s Whangkeukkyungse. But it could be accomplished. As he enjoyed his life as a scholar in retire-ment, he liked to read the Histories, the book of Poems of Shaowong`s and the book of Hwanhkeukgyungse He regard Shaoong as a his best friend, and Jeungjeom who was a disciple of Confucius as the his best teacher. He tried to seek the pieasure which Shaowong enjoyed and to seek the streams of Heaven`s principle in the Nature which Jeungjeom enjoyed early. He was a creative thinker as well as a energetic reader of tremendous books. He was a optimist and pessimist of the this world. His mind was fulfilled with anxieties to keep order about the society. He tried to keep these two attitudes in no contradictions. People thought of him as a later Shaowong, and it was right to take him as the first full-scale Shaoongist in a philosophical attitude and a taste in the age of Chosun Dynasty.