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한국 선거에서의 경제투표에 대한 연구는 세 가지의 방법론적 난점들을 안고 있는데, 그것은 지역주의 통제의 문제와 경제적 변수 측정의 문제, 동태적 관점의 부재 등으로 요약될 수 있다. 본 연구는 새로운 데이터와 방법론의 도입을 통해 이러한 한계를 극복하고 한국선거의 연구영역을 넓히려는 시도이다. 그 해결책의 하나로써 본 연구는 중범위 집합데이터의 적극적 활용이 필요함을 주장하며, 분석의 한 예로 부동산 가격 변동이 2000년대 한국의 선거에 미친 영향을 살펴본다. 보다 구체적으로, 본 연구는 표준정당충성도의 개념을 도입하여 지난 선거들에서 이어지는 장기적 경향을 통제한 후, 부동산 가격의 변동이 선거에 어떤 단기적 영향을 미치는가를 살펴본 결과 다음의 결론에 다다랐다. 첫째, 자가 소유자들은 비소유자들보다 부동산가격 상승에 대해 정부 여당을 적극적으로 보상하는 경향이 있는 반면, 둘째, 비소유자들은 부동산 가격 상승을 정부 여당에 대한 처벌로 연결시키는 데에는 소극적이다. 셋째, 이런 패턴은 대통령 선거나 국회의원 총선 등의 전국적 선거에서 더 강하게 드러나고 지방선거에는 덜 나타나며, 넷째, 정당 명부에 대한 비례대표 선거에서는 보다 더 정파적인 지지를 보내면서 경제적 고려는 덜 하는 것으로 나타났다.

The literature on economic voting in Korea generally suffers from three methodological difficulties: namely, how to control for the regional voting pattern that has dominated Korean elections; how to measure the relevant economic variables; and how to consider and incorporate the dynamic aspect of elections. These difficulties are indeed general dilemmas that are directly related with how survey data sets are collected and organized. I propose an empirical model that can overcome such difficulties utilizing “mid-range” aggregate analysis which combine electoral returns, the fluctuation of real-estate values, and the ownership structure of the electorate. The results show that the Korean voters who own households tend to reward the incumbent party more actively when real-estate values rise, while non-owners are less active in punishing the incumbent party and its candidates. Korean voters also recognize and differentiate high-profile elections against lower-profile or local elections: they tend to weigh the economic situation more heavily in presidential and national assembly elections; on the other hand, the results show that economy matters less in local elections. As the paper exemplifies, I argue that more important issues and research agendas can be tackled by the literature when we expand our methodological scope in studying Korean elections. Keywords: Korean

The literature on economic voting in Korea generally suffers from three methodological difficulties: namely, how to control for the regional voting pattern that has dominated Korean elections; how to measure the relevant economic variables; and how to consider and incorporate the dynamic aspect of elections. These difficulties are indeed general dilemmas that are directly related with how survey data sets are collected and organized. I propose an empirical model that can overcome such difficulties utilizing “mid-range” aggregate analysis which combine electoral returns, the fluctuation of real-estate values, and the ownership structure of the electorate. The results show that the Korean voters who own households tend to reward the incumbent party more actively when real-estate values rise, while non-owners are less active in punishing the incumbent party and its candidates. Korean voters also recognize and differentiate high-profile elections against lower-profile or local elections: they tend to weigh the economic situation more heavily in presidential and national assembly elections; on the other hand, the results show that economy matters less in local elections. As the paper exemplifies, I argue that more important issues and research agendas can be tackled by the literature when we expand our methodological scope in studying Korean elections. Keywords: Korean