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이 글의 목적은 괴테『파우스트』2부 1막의 ‘가장행렬’에서 문화산업적 현상을 고찰 하는데 있다. 카니발이 욕망의 배출구이자 생산적인 욕망의 재편이기에 가면을 쓰고 가장행렬을 하는 것은, 바흐친이 말한 바로 유토피아를 향한 인간의 소망 때문일 것이다. 카니발은 날이 밝으면 사라지는 도피와 소망충족의 두 가지 특성을 지니고 있는데, 부족함이 없는 유토피아를 찾고자하는 인간의 향수가 그 동인이라 하겠다. ‘가장행렬’의 등장인물은 모두 알레고리로서 나타나는데, 예술성이 떨어지는 알레고리를 어쩔 수 없이 괴테가 도입한 것은 고대 그리스 신화시대의 인물을 차용하여 근대 자본주의를 묘사하기에는 시공간적으로 너무 동떨어져서 상징을 사용하면 코드가 맞지 않아 더 혼란을 일으킬 수 있다고 판단한 것임을 알 수 있다. 승리의 여신 빅토리아는 각 시대의 무자비한 영웅의 알레고리이고, 지폐의 얼굴을 한 플루투스는 자본가의 알레고리이다. 상품화 과정은 단계적으로 전개되어 그 정점에는 자본가이자 지배자인 플루투스가 등장하게 된다. 여기서 식민지정복과 탈취의 영웅인 승리의 여신 빅토리아가 정신적 노동을 의미하는 지혜와 함께 국민을 뜻하는 코끼리를 타고서 등장하는데, 빅토리아는 영광스런 승리자라기보다는 지배하고 수탈하는 그 시대의 무자비한 절대 권력의 알레고리이다. 인류 최고의 아름다움으로 미화된 헬레나는 이제 근대자본주의의 시각에서는 탈취 대상인 황금의 알레고리가 되어 빅토리아의 전리품으로 해석된다. 시의 알레고리인 소년마부가 모는 마차를 타고 등장하는 플루투스를 향해 빅토리아가 나아감으로써 그 영웅의 궁극적인 목적은 바로 플루투스의 자본 축적임을 암시하고 있다. 엔터테인먼트 기법을 동원하여 상품을 전시, 광고 판매하는 박람회의 카니발 기능을 괴테가 ‘가장행렬’에서 보여주고,『파우스트』2부 1막에서 이것을 앞세우는 것은 프랑스 혁명을 배경으로 한 근대자본주의의 새로운 시대가 열린다는 사실을 전제하여 근대의 모습을 문제적으로 묘사하고자 했음을 알 수 있다. 한 마디로, ‘가장행렬’은 카니발 축제로서 문화상품의 큰 시장이고 문화상품을 통하여 이윤을 추구하는 문화산업의 현상을 괴테가 선취했다는 사실을 보여주고 있다.

The article attempts to study the elements of cultural industry manifested in part 2 of Goethe’s Faust, especially in the scene of a large hall with side chambers(weitlaeufiger Saal mit Nebengemaechern). Goethe once visited Rome and experienced Roman carnival. When he returned to Weimar, Germany, he wrote about the Roman carnival based on the amazing memories and published it in 1789. Consumption as spectacle contains the promise that will disappear. The deceptive, brutal and obscene features of this festival are derived from the fact that there is no potentiality of fulfilling its promise. A utopian desire based on mass need has physiological roots and can not be easily suppressed. Consumption as spectacle is anticipation of a utopian situation in a form of parody. All characters in ‘masquerade parade’(Mummenschanz) are associated with an allegory. It was impossible for Goethe to describe modern capitalism with symbol. Antiquity (Greece) was so remote from modern time and place that he couldn’t help using allegory, which has less artistic merit than symbol. Modern capitalism, a characteristic of the new world, was not compatible with antiquity and thus the same code could not be shared. Victoria takes the allegory for a brutal hero and seizes Hellena’s gold as trophies taken from the war. Plutus, who Victoria pursued to take after, represents the great capitalist as the lord of the manor. Carnival provides a big market in which thousands of crowds gather to look at the spectacles of festival. In this market all things are transformed into commercial goods; even a human being becomes a product of cultural commercial goods. We appreciate ‘masquerade parade’ as a carnival which serves a big market. In the market we are exposed to the pursuit of profits from cultural commercial goods.

The article attempts to study the elements of cultural industry manifested in part 2 of Goethe’s Faust, especially in the scene of a large hall with side chambers(weitlaeufiger Saal mit Nebengemaechern). Goethe once visited Rome and experienced Roman carnival. When he returned to Weimar, Germany, he wrote about the Roman carnival based on the amazing memories and published it in 1789. Consumption as spectacle contains the promise that will disappear. The deceptive, brutal and obscene features of this festival are derived from the fact that there is no potentiality of fulfilling its promise. A utopian desire based on mass need has physiological roots and can not be easily suppressed. Consumption as spectacle is anticipation of a utopian situation in a form of parody. All characters in ‘masquerade parade’(Mummenschanz) are associated with an allegory. It was impossible for Goethe to describe modern capitalism with symbol. Antiquity (Greece) was so remote from modern time and place that he couldn’t help using allegory, which has less artistic merit than symbol. Modern capitalism, a characteristic of the new world, was not compatible with antiquity and thus the same code could not be shared. Victoria takes the allegory for a brutal hero and seizes Hellena’s gold as trophies taken from the war. Plutus, who Victoria pursued to take after, represents the great capitalist as the lord of the manor. Carnival provides a big market in which thousands of crowds gather to look at the spectacles of festival. In this market all things are transformed into commercial goods; even a human being becomes a product of cultural commercial goods. We appreciate ‘masquerade parade’ as a carnival which serves a big market. In the market we are exposed to the pursuit of profits from cultural commercial goods.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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carnival, festival, utopia, mask, masquerade parade, decoration, allegory, capitalism, advertising, Victoria, bill, colony, capitalist, Plutus, commercial goods, exposition, cultural Industry