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문화의 유통은 결국 커뮤니케이션이라 할 수 있다. 전달하고자 하는 메시지에 보다 가까운 해석을 유도할 수 있을 때 우리는 문화상품을 다른 문화 속에 유통시킬 수 있게 된다. 그리고 그러한 해석을 유도해 낼 수 있는 것이 바로 표상의 활용이다. 이처럼 문화에 대한 표상적 접근은 문화 ‘해석’의 근접성에 기인한 ‘아시아에서의 한류’에서 더 나아가, 문화 유사성이 보다 적은 서구문화에서도 한류를 불러 일으킬 수 있는 힌트를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. 이제까지 베트남에서의 한류는, 문화적 관점의 경우, 양국의 유교 문화 공유 경험만으로 설명되어 온 경향이 있다. 그러나 문화라는 것의 다양성을 생각할 때, 유교 문화의 공유 경험이라는 ‘표면적 유사성’만으로는 베트남에서의 한류를 설명하는 데 한계가 있다. 따라서 이 글에서는 한국 드라마가 베트남에 ‘수용’될 수 있었던 문화적 이유를 유교 문화가 아닌 ‘표상’이라는 시점에서 살펴보고자 한다.

It would seem to be a sort of communication to introduce one culture into another culture. The most important thing is to guide them to ‘read’ in ‘right’ way when people introduce their own culture to other cultures. In other words, we need to guide people to read our messages. It makes easier to introduce our culture to them without antipathy. Symbol is one of the best ways that induces people to read rightly other cultures. Symbol has various messages according to the cultural background. So understanding symbol gives us good ideas to spread the Korean Wave into the western cultures, not confined to Asian cultures having similar background with Korea. Until now, we’ve only been explaining the Korean Wave in Vietnam as the Con- fucianism. Of course Vietnam had been influenced by the Confucianism for a long time as Korea did. But the culture is not a simple thing. It can be read differently even it has the same origin. So it is not enough to explain the Korean Wave in Vietnam by influence of Confucianism only. It is just a superficial similarity. So I used the way of symbolic analysis of the Korean Wave in Vietnam.

It would seem to be a sort of communication to introduce one culture into another culture. The most important thing is to guide them to ‘read’ in ‘right’ way when people introduce their own culture to other cultures. In other words, we need to guide people to read our messages. It makes easier to introduce our culture to them without antipathy. Symbol is one of the best ways that induces people to read rightly other cultures. Symbol has various messages according to the cultural background. So understanding symbol gives us good ideas to spread the Korean Wave into the western cultures, not confined to Asian cultures having similar background with Korea. Until now, we’ve only been explaining the Korean Wave in Vietnam as the Con- fucianism. Of course Vietnam had been influenced by the Confucianism for a long time as Korea did. But the culture is not a simple thing. It can be read differently even it has the same origin. So it is not enough to explain the Korean Wave in Vietnam by influence of Confucianism only. It is just a superficial similarity. So I used the way of symbolic analysis of the Korean Wave in Vietnam.