초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This article lays out the foundation for Korean language education for business purposes, including the structural, linguistic and strategic characteristics presentation discourse and their application in Korean language education. In the first chapter the need for this article and its objectives are outlined. After an examination of previous research on Korean education for business purposes, the subject and methods research are explained. In chapter two, Korean for specific purposes and Korean for business purposes are defined and categorized and then a discourse analysis for foreign language education is examined. The third chapter analyses collected discourse data from presentations. The characteristics of the discourse structure are broken down according to their strategic importance. First the structural characteristics of the pragmatic function occurring in each genre of discourse are generally outlined. Next the linguistic characteristics of concrete linguistic expressions are examined and finally for strategic characteristics of public discourse, strategies occurring related to requests are analyzed. In section four Spoken and written business discourse are compared and through the structural meaning signals contained in the discourse differences in the occurring in different forms of communication are observed. By comparing written presentations and the transcripts of the actual delivery of the presentation, we gain insight as to the real differences between spoken and written business discourse. The final chapter ends with the conclusions.