초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to provide some guidelines that may be helpful in developing reading textbooks for beginners. For this purpose, this paper presents development procedures and some characteristics of the new reading textbook for beginners developed by KLI of Yonsei University and it also examines the types of vocabulary exercises and tasks in the reading textbook. This paper is organized in the following ways. Chapter 1 begins with a brief account of the purpose, scope, and general approach of the study. In chapter 2 it is shown that the development of the reading textbook can be progressed in four phases: predevelopment, development, test, and completion. In chapter 3 several previous books are reviewed and the characteristics of the new reading textbook are outlined. Chapter 4, which constitutes the main body of this paper, examines the types of vocabulary exercises and tasks in the new reading textbook. Chapter 5 presents a summary and conclusion. In a nutshell, this study suggests some guidelines and various types of vocabulary exercises and tasks that may be useful for developing reading textbooks for beginners.