초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this study, in order to find out how to teach intercultural competence together with communication skills, the regular courses at Korean Language education organizations affiliated to universities in Korea. The regular courses in Korean education organizations are classified as other courses from the institutional point of view, and as intensive course from time point of view, and a general purpose courses from the course characteristics point of view. Therefore, it is an ideal teaching and learning environment for culture education for the students who come from various other countries to learn Korean as they can easily meet Koreans who speak the target language, see the target society and obtain accurate cultural knowledge from professional Korean teachers. As the courses are designed for a high level of achievement, the culture education is also designed to have different goals in order to provide education with diversified content. This can be divided two aspects which are socio-cultural and experiential aspects. In the socio-cultural aspects, the lesson content, textbooks, class environment and class atmosphere together with hands-on activities, learning environment outside classroom and other activities are examined. In the experiential aspects, there are student activities among themselves and contact with the community of target language users. In the regular courses, these aspects appear in variety and faithfully.