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The aim of this study is to propose a curriculum for listening skill improvement in a Korean class as a foreign language using TV soap operas. In detail, the study focuses on teaching models, sample activities, and reproduction of soap operas into educational video clips. In intermediate or advanced Korean classrooms, listening and speaking courses are taught using authentic materials from the media, such as soap operas, documentaries, or news. However, the learners usually have difficulties understanding because these authentic materials are very quickly delivered and contain a lot of vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, or dialects. Therefore, it is necessary for the instructor to design in-class activities according to the course level, and prepare proper materials to assist the understanding of the main material. This study looks into other teaching models suggested in precedent studies, specifically the ones that apply soap opera, and suggests sample activities and model study materials. This study suggests an application of authentic materials according to the purpose of the course and the learning stage of the learner. Moreover, the study also proposes a method of recomposing authentic materials into practical and educational in-class materials.