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Korean final consonant can be [-p, -t, -k, -l, -m, -n, -ng], however, Mandarin Chinese final consonant only can be [-n, ng]. The existing Korean utterance education for the Chinese learners on Korean codas put center on the [-p, -t, -k, -l, -m] as they doesn’t exist in Mandarin Chinese. Nevertheless, the advanced level Chinese learners make the most utterance errors of Korean /-n, -ng/. In this study, I carry out experiments on four advanced level Chinese Korean learners. I discover that when the Chinese learners pronounce Korean /-n, -ng/, they use Chinese pronunciation way and release the nasal codas. Therefore, when the preceding vowel is [-front, -low], their /-n/ pronunciation sounds like Korean /-ng/. Because Chinese front low vowel can only be combined with [-n], so when the preceding vowel is [+front, +low], Chinese Korean learners pronounce /-ng/ to /-n/. According to it, I give a proofreading plan, making the ‘Vn, Vŋ’ to be ‘Vnɨ, Vɨŋ’ may help the learners to distinguish Korean /-n/ and /-ng/.