초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This article assessed the status of Korean-American children’s and young adult books published between 1970 and 2006 in the U.S. It evaluated aesthetic qualities of the books by looking at such characteristics as plot, theme, and characterization,but its major tool of evaluation was to view the books as multicultural texts. The following themes emerged: (1) immigration hardships, (2) intergenerational relationships, (3) adjusting to a new school, (4) cultural heritage, (5) adoption and interracial child stories, (6) racial prejudice/discrimination and identity, and (7)Korean history and culture. Inauthentic portrayals were still found in many of the books, such as model minority myths, misuse of honorifics, and distorted illustrations. In conclusion, this article addressed the importance of utilizing the crucial slices of Korean/Korean-American children’s social and cultural realities in literary education. This research will provide guidance on Korean/Korean-American children’s and young adult books to English teachers in Korea by examining literary and artistic qualities, representations, and diverse themes of the literature.