초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this paper is to compare and analyze the process of translating a picture book. This is for the expansions and omissions of text with empathy and using words to describe the illustration in an English picture book to Korean language. This paper examines the English text and Korean translation of the books titled: The Jolly Postman or Other People’s Letters, The Jolly Christmas Postman, Because Your Daddy Loves You and The Keeping Quilt. This paper studies the loss of text and statements with words, phrase and sentence because of the illustration in picture books of the target text. It causes negative things for target text reader who has a different reading experience. The text can be strengthened by the visual expression of the illustration, but the process of translating the picture book, sometimes changes the meaning of the story. Negative things can happen such as the loss of the source text when using words to describe the illustration in an English picture book to Korean language. It is very important to describe the relationship between the text and illustration. Some picture books tend to refer through the text about the story of illustration in the process of translating a picture book. As each text and illustration tell each story in their areas, they have to keep the balance affects in the source text and the target text. If the text explains the story of the illustration in the process of translating a picture book, the text and the illustration must consist of different stories from the target text. In conclusion, the translation of a picture book tries to take in consideration both the text and illustration. Both the source text and the target text reader should feel the same feelings so as to have the same point of view.