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This paper examined Cho Hee-ryong(趙熙龍,1789-1866)'s point of view on painting in the 19th century. He learned how to draw the Four Gracious Plants(四君子) under Kim Jeong-hee(金正喜,1786-1856) who tried to secure the legitimacy of the south school literati painting(南宗 文人畵) as the literati. However, Cho Hee-ryong, who belonged to the commoners, could see works of art from a new perspective ; he thought that painting was neither the literati's own work nor the court painter's. He began to consider that the discrimination between the south and the north school should be resolved. He finally maintained that it was important to draw according to an artist's own way of painting(我法) formed by nature(天倪), and painting was completed by handcrafting skill(手藝).