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1960년 4월혁명 직후 학생들은 한국사회의 핵심모순을‘후진성’에서 찾았고 이를 극복하는 것이 혁명의 완수라고 생각했다.􀀃이러한 과제를 수행하기 위해‘계몽운동’과‘통일운동’이라는 방법론이 각각 모색되었지만, 그 속에는 자립경제 수립을 통한 후진성 극복이라는 공통의 한국사회 발전(혹은 변혁)지향이 담겨 있었다. 단, 계몽운동에서는 자립경제 지향이 내핍이나 국산품 애용과 같은 수준에서 제기된 반면,􀀃통일운동에서는 외세의존청산, 남북교류, 분단극복이라는 수준에서 제기된 차이가 있었다. 하지만 두 운동 모두 운동이 발전하는 과정에서 동요하는 모습을 보였다. 계몽운동은 단순한 내핍, 국산품 애용 캠페인을 넘어 거리에서의 직접행동으로 나아가고 또 당시 원조경제의 정점에 서 있는 미국을 직접 문제삼기도 했지만, “학생은 순수하다”혹은“순수해야 한다”는 인식의 벽에 막혀 정치적 소극성을드러냈다. 통일운동 역시 남북학생회담 제안이 사회 전반에 큰 파장을 불러일으켰으나 반공 논리의 거센 비판을 이겨내지 못하고 곧바로 후퇴하는 모습을 보였다. 학생 대중의 지지를 충분히 얻지 못한 점도 동요의 한 요인이었다.

After the April Revolution in 1960, students identified the primary problem of the Korean society at the time to be its underdeveloped nature, and also reasoned that overcoming such underdeveloped nature of the country would be the ultimate way to complete the revolution. In order to do so they pursued two particular objectives, Enlightenment and Unification, while also maintaining the generally shared aspiration of overcoming the underdeveloped state of the Korean society through establishing an independent economy. Yet there was also a difference. The Enlightenment movement urged people to consume domestic products, while the Unification movement raised the issue of not depending upon foreign aids any longer, or issues of South-North Korean exchanges and achieving unification. Yet both movements displayed a certain level of disarray and disturbance in their respective developments. Although the Enlightenment Movement did not remain as a mere campaign urging people to use domestic products and later arranged aggressive demonstrations on the street while also blaming the U.S. who was the provider of all those foreign relief, they also exhibited a certain level of passiveness in political terms, as we can see from remarks such as “Students are innocent,” or “Student should remain innocent.” The Unification Movement managed to stir up quite a response throughout the society with its proposal of a South-North Korean Conference of students, yet it was unable todefend itself from all those negative criticism of the Anti-Communism factions and in the end had to withdraw from its original stance. The lack of support from the students in general also led both movements to experience turbulence in their early stages.