초록 열기/닫기 버튼

One hundred years ago(1910 A.D.), Imperial Japan swallowed up Dae-Han Empire(Korea) with coercive measures. Japanese Imperialism made a promise Korea to guard that he would support the independence of Korea and the peace of the Orient. But Imperialist Japan, the promise to Korea was fraud, and absorbed Korea into his government making use of diplomatic skills that was isolated Korea. In 明治(Meiji) period Japan, nationalist ideology consisted of a blend of native and imported political philosophies, initially developed by the Meiji government to promote national unity and patriotism, first in defense against colonization by European powers, and later in a struggle to attain equality with the Great Powers. It evolved through the 大正(Taisho) period and 昭和(Showa) periods to justify an increasingly totalitarian government and overseas expansionism. In the late 19th and early 20th century, various Western countries actively competed for influence, trade, goods, and territory in East Asia. And Japan sought to join these modern colonial powers. The newly modernized 明治(Meiji) government of Japan turned to Korea, then in the sphere of influence of China's 淸(Qing) Dynasty. The Japanese government initially sought to separate Korea from Qing and make Korea a Japanese colonialization in order to further the encroachment of the Asian Continent. After all, on 22 August 1910, Japan effectively annexed Korea with the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty, and that was made public on 29 Aug. 1910. But the scholars succeeded in revealing that Japan coerced Korea to sign two treaties that led to the colonization of the latter, pointing out that they were illegal. By using threats and intimidation, the island nation concluded the Japan-Korea Protocol in 1905(illegally signed in September 1905), and the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty in 1910. Focus of this article was mainly placed upon the function of laws in Japan's colonial laws and policy, and the unification strategies adopted in the fields of culture and education were designed to eradicate the individual ethnicity of the Korean race. Eventually the fixed purpose of Japan's colonial laws and policy were to eradicate the individual ethnicity of the Korean race, and secondly was to dispossess Korean of his property. Imperialist Japan contemplated to eradicate Korean race through the colonial laws and policy. Imperialist Japan regarded laws as instruments to dominate Korea with injustice and dishonesty. From this point of view, <創氏改名>(Being compelled to create Korean's family name and change his personal name) was the heart of the matter that was to eradicate the individual ethnicity of the Korean race, in the eye of the laws. By 1939, the focus of the policy of Japanese Imperialism had shifted towards colonial assimilation, and <勅令第19号 ‘朝鮮民事令改正令’>(Imperial Decree 19 on the Revision of Korean Civil Affairs, on 10 Nov. 1939) went into effect, whereby ethnic Koreans were permitted to surrender their Korean family name and adopt Japanese surnames. Although officially voluntary, many argued official compulsion and harassment existed against individuals. Reflecting on the Japanese colonial government, We koreans should keep the cause of world peace, social justice, and rule of laws in mind.