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Since 2000, Korean and Japan have continually conflicted concerning the past historic faults conducted by Japanese during the Japanese colonial rule times. Historic conflicts between nations are essentially caused from the both nations’ political interest relationship or their national interest. However, a nation does not have a logical structure to concede his perception of history in case of conflicting with other nation. So it is very important to solve through intensive talk and efforts to solve historic conflicts from the private term. Nevertheless, because the historic conflicts around 21C Korean Peninsula are directly connected to future matters of 4 nations-South, North Korea, China and Japan-, it is absolutely necessary to devise the ways to solve such issues from the national term. For South Korea, it is very important to resolve Japanese past faults against Korean in order to establish a peaceful future. For achieving this task, it needs to organize the ‘Korean-Japanese New Times Committee’ organized by private institutions. This committee can help for both nations to resolve Japanese past faults and to newly define the future relationship by concluding a new treaty. Meanwhile, it also needs to establish the ‘East-Asian Peace Foundation’ jointly organized by Korea and Japan in order to resolve Japanese past faults and practice their new relationship in future. It is very important for both governments to establish historic polices and to practice them based on long-term perspectives.