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이익집단과 정부기관(국회)과의 상호관계결론적으로 이익집단은 자유로운 시민사회의 이해를 표현하고 로비활동을 통해 정책결정과정에 참여하는 다원주의적 경향으로부터, 국가의 이해 대변 수단으로 변모하는 조합주의적 경향 모두를 포함하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 물론 다원주의적 경향 내에서 이익집단들이 모두 동일한 자원수준과 배경을 통해 정책결정과정에 영향력을 행사하는 것은 아니라고 볼 수 있다. 그러한 의미에서 이익집단 내부의 영향력의 차이는 엘리트주의적 다원주의론자들이 주장하는 바를 포함하는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 이익집단은 시민사회의 이해를 중심으로 국회 내부의 다양한 위원회 및 소위원회의 의사결정으로부터, 개별 국회의원 특히 자신들의 이해에 부합하는 국회의원들에게 다양한 형태의 압력행위를 할 수 있다. 하지만 이에 비해 조합주의는 권위주의 정부 내에서 국가가 위로부터 이익대표체계를 형성하고 이를 활용하여 국가 발전을 주도 해 가는 구조 하에서의 이익집단을 상정한다<표 1 참조>.다원주의의 경우 이익집단은 다양한 형태의 정책투입(policy input)을 수행하고 정부 특히 국회는 이를 반영하는 역할을 수행하는 일종의 투입과 산출(output)관계에 존재하는 것이라고 볼 수 있고, 정책투입이 많으면 많을수록 민주적인 정책결정 모델을 형성할 수 있다<그림 1>. 이에 비해 엘리트적 다원주의는 무차별적 정책투입을 상정하지 않는다. 국회 역시 이러한 차별적인 이익집단과의 관계 맺기를 추구하며, 자원이 풍부한 이익집단과 더욱더 친밀한 관계를 유지한다는 것이다<그림 2>. 이러한 경우 정부 특히 국회 역시 특별히 반응하는 이해가 존재하게 되는 것이고 관련 행정부처, 이익집단과 삼각형 구도의 관계를 형성하게 된다(Lowi, 1969). 조합주의는 이익집단에 의한 정책투입을 상정하지 않는다. 이러한 투입이 존재한다고 하더라도 국가에 의해 위로부터 계획되고 통제된 투입만이 의미 있는 것이다<그림 3>.

This paper tend to explore changes and development process of Korean interest groups and discuss the way of expressing interest by the group. Based upon such a discussion we try to acknowledge the fact that interest groups are more likely to influence on the legislative body. Activities have rapidly changed along with withering of corporative, so Korean interest groups have developed their own formation process. For example, relationship with the National Assembly has been changed into monitoring and cooperating. Thus all these changes have not automatically arisen but various attempts have been presupposed construction of new structure for interest representation. In other words, political parties and the National Assembly should get involved with effort for this, and the relationship between the National Assembly and interest group should also been transformed. In particular presidential leadership is needed for encouraging transformation interest representation from corporatism to pluralism. Citizen interests groups are more likely to take an role for grassroots mobilization by utilizing their own resource compared to professional interest groups. They will be major actor to input general social agenda into policy making process. Additionally professional interest groups contribute to materializing professional interest in political process. It has been pointed out that interest group tend to serve selfish interest not general. However, these two types of interest groups in Korea should respond flexibly to all the process. Moreover, to improve Korean interest representation system, individual participation is inevitable, since it provides real motivation for interest group activity. Therefore, individual various interest should be reflected through interest groups activity in order to institutionalize the system.

This paper tend to explore changes and development process of Korean interest groups and discuss the way of expressing interest by the group. Based upon such a discussion we try to acknowledge the fact that interest groups are more likely to influence on the legislative body. Activities have rapidly changed along with withering of corporative, so Korean interest groups have developed their own formation process. For example, relationship with the National Assembly has been changed into monitoring and cooperating. Thus all these changes have not automatically arisen but various attempts have been presupposed construction of new structure for interest representation. In other words, political parties and the National Assembly should get involved with effort for this, and the relationship between the National Assembly and interest group should also been transformed. In particular presidential leadership is needed for encouraging transformation interest representation from corporatism to pluralism. Citizen interests groups are more likely to take an role for grassroots mobilization by utilizing their own resource compared to professional interest groups. They will be major actor to input general social agenda into policy making process. Additionally professional interest groups contribute to materializing professional interest in political process. It has been pointed out that interest group tend to serve selfish interest not general. However, these two types of interest groups in Korea should respond flexibly to all the process. Moreover, to improve Korean interest representation system, individual participation is inevitable, since it provides real motivation for interest group activity. Therefore, individual various interest should be reflected through interest groups activity in order to institutionalize the system.