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이 논문은 바다의 대표적 신격인 용신을 우선 고찰했다. 용신이 당신으로 모셔지고, 조상신으로도 모셔진다. 제주도 전역의 일반신으로 숭배된다. 둘째, 당신 본풀이에 보이는 여신들의 도래와, 탐라국 건국신화의 삼녀신의 도래를 비교했다. 거기에서 탐라국 형성의 근간을 찾았다. 셋째, 강남천자국의 출자를 살피면서, 제주인들에게 인식된 중국과 천자국의 의미가 무엇인지 살폈다. 제주도 본풀이(敍事詩)에서 수시로 등장하는 ‘주년국’ 일본, 삼녀신의 出自處인 일본과의 교류도 살피고, 육지와의 교류에서 비롯된 신앙과 신화도 살폈다. 한반도의 신화는 천상에서 하강한 신의 내력이 위주인데 제주 신은 땅에서 솟아난다. 그리고 그 배우자는 대개 바다를 건너온다. 바다 멀리 출자처는 다양하다. 바다 멀리 상상의 나라일 수도 있고 일본과 중국 같은 구체적인 장소인 경우도 있다. 제주와 인접한 일본에서 신이 온다고 하거나 바다의 신이 일본 주년국에 가서 신이 되었다고 한 경우도 있다. 바다 멀리를 ‘강남천자국’이라 한 경우도 많은데 중국을 지칭한 듯하다. 위대한 신이 중국 천자의 땅에서 비롯되었다고 하면서 신의 권위를 높이려 한 것이다. 바다를 근거로 살다 보니 바다에서의 안전과 풍요를 보장해주는 용왕신을 주요 신앙대상으로 삼았다. 아울러 용왕의 딸이 인간세계에 와서 신앙대상이 된 경우도 많다. 산육신이 용왕의 딸이다. 송당계 신화에서 문곡성이 쫓겨나 용궁에 가서 용왕의 셋째 딸과 혼인하여 제주로 데려오는 화소가 가장 대표적이다. 영등신앙은 바다를 건너온 외래신이 중요하게 신앙된 흔적이다. 제주에 있어 바다는 풍요의 근거였고, 많은 신들이 오는 길목이었고, 주변 국가들과 교류하던 소통의 장이었다. 바다를 통해 일본・중국과 교류하였고 이따금 표류를 겪으면서 오키나와・대만・월남에까지 다녀오기도 했다. 제주는 자의건 타의건 바다로 열린 섬이었다. 그래서 해양문화가 오래 된 제주신화 속에도 오롯이 남아 있다.

First, this article considered the Dragon King who was representative God of the sea. A Dragon King is admired Village guardian deity. A Dragon King is admired by general God(一般神) of the whole Jeju Island. Second, I compared three daughter Visit God of Tamla Dynasty with the Visit Goddesss in the Myth of Village guardian deity(堂神敍事詩). Therefore I looked for the basis of Tamla Dynasty. While understanding the meaning of Kangnam emperor country(江南天子國), I sympathized what was the meaning of China and the emperor country recognized by a Jeju person. It was recorded three daughter God came from Japan, this article should see marine interchange Jeju and Japan in Jeju Myth(敍事詩), and sympathize with faith and the myth which began from interchange with the land. There are many points unlike Korean Peninsula and Jeju. Because the culture was different, a myth and the faith systems ware different, and the culture recognition was different. God of the Korean Peninsula withdraw from the sky, but Jeju God springs out in the ground. And the spouse usually cross the sea. Starting places ware various. The sea was far, and there was imaginary island, or the concrete place such as Japan and China. God often passed from the Korean Peninsula area. God often followed a sea route near by Jeonrado(全羅道). God came from Seoul that was a center of the culture and politics. God may come from near Japan to Jeju, and God may go to Japan from Jeju. The people thought that they came from Kangnam(江南) in the sea distance. The thought that came from the Kangnam emperor country is the evidence that yearned for China momentously. The thought reflexed in a myth that God come from the national center in the ancient time, and God came from China which was a center of the civilization in the Middle Ages. They thought that a Dragon King ruled their life because they lived on grounds for the sea. So the Dragon King became targeted for the most important faith. And a daughter of Dragon King came to the human being world and became often targeted for faith. This thought connected to the resort that God who gives a heaven-sent child for life came from the sea. So God who gives a heaven-sent child for life was a daughter of Dragon King. There was the mind to tell that soul up God visited it once a year and took charge of the fertility of marine products. After all out patient department God who crossed the sea seemed momentously. It was Seolmundae Halmang(설문대할망) of Jeju who God who keep fertility and security very before. Many gods cross the sea after a myth of Seolmundae Halmang. The faith continues without forgetting it. The sea was a ground of the fertility in Jeju, and many gods were forth coming city streets and were a chapter of the understanding that interchanged with neighboring countries. Jeju interchanged with Japan, China through the sea. I went to Okinawa, Taiwan, Vietnam while sometimes drifting. Memory of much drifting appears in <Tamlamunkeonrok>(탐라문견록). The intellectual got overseas circumstances through a citizen of Jeju drifting in last part of Josoen(朝鮮). Jeju was an island open for one's thought and any other intention in the sea. Jeju must realize by the bridge letter of appointment to Pacific to again. An open mind for the sea is necessary. A marine policy of Jeju appropriate for the marine times is necessary. In addition, I hope that it is opened the craftsman of the marine study for Pacific.