초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Emile Zola and the naturalistic description in the discourse of Korean Naturalism of 1920sPark, Sung-changDescription is based on the representation of reality. Thus, as the description does not exist to ornament rhetorically, we have to consider both the described reality in the work and how that reality is described. During the first half of the twentieth century, discussions and arguments about description were progressed in many different ways. When Dae-jin, Baek introduced the naturalistic novels for the first time in Korea in 1915, he mentioned that we should describe the dark side of life in an unreserved and a straightforward way. But he didn't mention the name of Emile Zola, representative figure of French Naturalism. Emile Zola and the naturalistic description became the main themes of criticism in the discourse of Korean Naturalism of 1920s. This paper investigates the theory of 'naturalistic description' advocated in the discourse of Korean Naturalism of 1920s : description of the dark side of life, excessive description.The critics of that time didn't figure out the positive side of naturalistic description but they had a very negative view of it. With the starting of the modern novels and the growing interest of the theory of novels, Dong-in, Kim organized a theory focused on the plot of novel. In his conception of plot, the description (excessive description) had no place and was closely linked to the negative image of French naturalist, Emile Zola. Young-hee, Park objected to excessive description because ha thought description as individualistic taste of the bourgeois. He considered the description of Naturalism as only a critic element of bourgeois, negated the description fundamentally. After turning from KAPF, however, he came to face the ironic situation that he should acknowledge the description for the literary truth in the theory of description, as in Ki-jin, Kim's.