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본 논문에서는 시 82편을 통해 고대 이스라엘에서 사용되었던 시편이 오늘날의 독자/청중들에게 어떻게 해석되고 적용될 수 있는가를 고찰한다. 특별히 시 82편의 '신들'(엘로힘)에 대한 해석은 종교사적, 예언자적 및 랍비적 해석 전통 세 가지로 요약될 수 있다. 이러한 고찰을 통해 천상적인 것과 지상적인 것, 사회적인 것과 개인적인 것을 통합적으로 이해하는 구약성서 신학을 확인하게 된다.

The purpose of this paper is, through the study on Psalm 82, to investigate how the Psalms of Ancient Israel are to be interpreted and appled by the modern reader or audience. A history of the interpreta- tion of Psalm 82 lets us know that the interpretations of the Psalm are very diverse and controversial. Particularly in the study on Psalm 82 the interpretation about ‘gods’(Elohim) is crucial for the understanding of the theme and message of the Psalm. There are three main approaches: understanding in the perspective of the history of religions, prophetical understanding as a social criticism and rabbinic understan- ding reflected in the New Testament (Gospel of John). First of all, the religio-historical approach shows us that Psalm 82 provides the criteria for God. Real God establishes the social justice through helping the poor and weak in the society. When the gods fail in their duties, they are deprived of the status and right as a god. In addition, Psalm 82 lets us know what position Israel's God is holding in the world. He is the supreme God who governs the creation world and all that belongs to it. Secondly, in the prophetical understanding the statements of God are read as a social criticism of the prophets. This criticism is aired at the judges or persons in authority who were abusing their power. It is based on laws regulating court procedure. The advocate of this interpretation is A. Deissler. He relates the theme and situation of Psalm 82 to Isa 3: 13ff. The prophetical understanding corresponds to the position of the translations that see Elohim as a judge (e.g. Ex 21: 6; 22: 6-7, 8, 27; 1 Sam 2: 25). Finally the rabbinic understanding leads us to apply the meaning of the Psalm to individuals. This hermeneutical tradition is reflected in the understan- ding of the New Testament. In chapter 10 of John the Jews are about to stone Jesus for blasphemy, because he claims himself God. In the answer of Jesus (John 10: 34) Elohim are explained as those who have received the word of God. They have divine power, but only when they are faithful to their duty and role their divine power is to be maintained and admitted by God. These approaches are not alternative but complementary. Through the investigation of the interpretation of Psalm 82 we can find out that the Old Testament integrates the heavenly and the earthly, and the social and the individual.

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Interpretation and application of the Psalms Prophetical understanding Psalm 82 Rabbinic understanding Social criticism Understanding in the perspective of the history of religions