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본 논문은 민 15장 32-36절에 관한 편집비평과 구조주의 비평 연구의 결과이다. 저자는 민 15장 32-36절을 민 13-14장과 연결된 넓은 문맥에서 파악하기보다, 민 15장 자체 문맥 안에서 먼저 그 독특한 의미와 역할을 해석하는 일이 필요하다고 보고 민 15장 30-31절과의 관계에 초점을 맞춘다. 이를 통해 저자는 민 15장 30-31절의 ‘의도적 범죄’에 관한 율법과 이를 설명하기 위한 구체적인 ‘사례’(판례)로서 민 15장 32-36절의 의미와 역할을 해석한다.

What is the meaning and role of the episode of the wood-gatherer on Sabbath in Numbers 15: 32-36? Some scholars proposed to see Num 15: 32-36 in the connected context of the catastrophic events in Num 13-14(Tzvi Novick, A. Leveen, D. T. Olson). It signals the continuity of God's relationship with Israel of the wilderness; By insisting that the Sabbath-breaker be punished, God asserts the continuity of this relationship. But Num 15: 32-36 has its own meaning and role in the context of chapter 15. This study tried to show that 15: 32-36 is connected with 15: 30-31. Num 15: 30-31 introduced the law for the punishment of intented sin. The connected verses 32-36 role as a concrete precedent for the law of death penalty. These contents are proved by Reduction Criticism. Structural Criticism showed the surface structure (life and death, obedience and disobedience) and the deep structure (God as the law-giver and the judge of the intended sin / the intended sin of a wood gatherer is a guilt against God) in Num 15: 30-36. Comparing MT and LXX of Num 15: 32-36 shows that the plural form of the sabbath in LXX is different from the singular form of the sabbath in MT. These elements in LXX also show that the nuance of the intended breaking of the sabbatical law is repeated in the sabbaths. The combination of the diachronic method and the synchronic method for Num 15:32-36 can be perceived as a co-assistant method to interpret the text.