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이 연구는 우리나라 문화 부문에 있어서 정부와 시장의 관계에 관한 특성을 파악하고 향후 정책 방향을 모색하기 위하여, ① 문화정책 유형의 양대 축을 이루는 프랑스와 미국의 행정부들에 대하여 국가별로 ‘정부지원 논리 우선(진보 성향) 정부’와‘시장 논리 우선(보수 성향) 정부’로 각각 구분하여 이들의 정책목표 우선순위를 유형화하고 그 특성을 밝혔으며, ② 1990년대 이후 우리나라 대통령들의 문화정책 목표 우선순위 및 정책 관심도 등을 비교분석하여, 우리나라 대통령들의 문화정책과 문화산업정책에 대한 이념적·정책적 특성을 유형화하고, ③ 우리나라‘정부(문화체육관광부)가 해야 할 일’과‘시장 또는 경제부처에 맡겨야 할 일’및‘정부(문화체육관광부)가 잘 할 수 있는 일’과‘잘 할 수 없는 일’을 분류ㆍ검토함으로써, 향후 정책 쇄신에 필요한 이론적·기반적인 정책 고려사항을 도출한 것이다.

This study analyzes and compares not only the philosophies and patterns of state support for culture and the arts among governments in France, the U.S.A., and Korea, but also the level and nature of state involvement in cultural markets and industries in Korea. Korean governments since the early 1990s have endeavored to introduce policies that take into account the economic scope of culture. As the software and service industries grow in importance in the Korean economy, there is an increasing demand for the development of refined, distinctive, high value-added goods to satisfy the very diversified and discriminating preferences of consumers. Merchandise is expected to reflect cultural tastes based on a high degree of sensitivity and creativity. The arts, as the source of creativity, are as indispensable to the development of industrial technology as science. In this sense, culture is starting to play a more important role than ever in economic development. In addition, the relationships not only between culture and the economy, but also between governmental policies and cultural industries, including entertainment businesses, are entering a whole new phase in Korea. While Korean presidents, therefore, continue to try to reflect the realization of the economic scope of culture in their policies and programs, Korean governments have been advocating the importance of cultural factors in the economy. They have called upon industries to utilize increased creative sensitivity and national cultural traditions in economic development. This study, therefore, is primarily concerned with the economic and administrative policy issues that state involvement in cultural industries and markets has given rise to in Korea, and how the Korean system will function.

This study analyzes and compares not only the philosophies and patterns of state support for culture and the arts among governments in France, the U.S.A., and Korea, but also the level and nature of state involvement in cultural markets and industries in Korea. Korean governments since the early 1990s have endeavored to introduce policies that take into account the economic scope of culture. As the software and service industries grow in importance in the Korean economy, there is an increasing demand for the development of refined, distinctive, high value-added goods to satisfy the very diversified and discriminating preferences of consumers. Merchandise is expected to reflect cultural tastes based on a high degree of sensitivity and creativity. The arts, as the source of creativity, are as indispensable to the development of industrial technology as science. In this sense, culture is starting to play a more important role than ever in economic development. In addition, the relationships not only between culture and the economy, but also between governmental policies and cultural industries, including entertainment businesses, are entering a whole new phase in Korea. While Korean presidents, therefore, continue to try to reflect the realization of the economic scope of culture in their policies and programs, Korean governments have been advocating the importance of cultural factors in the economy. They have called upon industries to utilize increased creative sensitivity and national cultural traditions in economic development. This study, therefore, is primarily concerned with the economic and administrative policy issues that state involvement in cultural industries and markets has given rise to in Korea, and how the Korean system will function.