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전통문화에 대한 가치가 재인식되면서 지역의 문화적 특성을 개발하여 산업화하려는 시도가 여러 곳에서 나타나고 있다. 이처럼 안동 지역은 유교 문화, 안동포, 하회탈을 비롯한 전통문화유산을 다수 보유하고 있어 이 지역의 문화적 특성을 고려한 전통문화산업을 개발하려는 노력이 시도되고 있으나 여러 가지 환경적 요인으로 많은 어려움이 뒤따르는 것이 현실이다. 이러한 시대적 현안을 해결하는 하나의 방법으로 이 지역의 우수한 전통문화 자원인 안동포, 안동한지, 상주명주, 천연염색 등 친환경적 지역 고유 직물 자원을 활용하여 현대화‧세계화에 발맞추려는 노력이 이 지역 여성을 중심으로 가속화되고 있다. 안동 지역에는 웰빙 산업이나 전통문화산업과 연계된 관광산업의 잠재력이 매우 높은 지역이다. 이러한 인적․물적․환경적 자원이 풍부함에도 불구하고 전통문화산업이 발전할 계기는 마련되고 있지 않은 실정이다. 그 이유는 첫째, 이런 인적자원을 체계적으로 관리하여 잠재력을 이끌어 내어 활용하려는 노력이 부족하기 때문이다. 둘째, 전통문화제품의 디자인개발과 상품화, 그리고 홍보에 대한 적극성이 부족하기 때문이다. 이에 대한 본 연구의 방법과 결과는 다음과 같다. ① 안동포 제품의 지역 특산화를 위한 하나의 방안으로서 전통문화산업과 디자인산업과 IT산업의 융합에 의한 안동포상품개발을 시도하였으며 상품에 대한 평가를 위해 5점 척도법에 의한 소비자설문조사를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 평균 4.07점의 높은 소비자만족도를 얻었으며 특히 ‘안동지역의 문화 및 홍보에 대한 기여도’에서 높은 점수를 얻었다. ② 안동포의 지역 특산화에 관한 전문 인력 양성을 위한 방안의 하나로서 ‘안동포 짜기’ 체험학습의 전 과정을 수료한 수료생을 대상으로 체험학습의 문제점과 발전방안을 직접설문지법에 의해 조사하였다. 그 결과, 소비자들은 친환경직물제품의 활성화를 위해서는 전문인력양성을 위한 교육프로그램이 개발되어야 하며, 특히 유교문화의 특성이 반영된 교육프로그램, 융·복합산업 교육프로그램, 지역 간 협력에 의한 교육프로그램, 지역특화상품관련 교육프로그램, 친환경디자인관련 교육프로그램, 노년기여성인력활용 교육프로그램, 글로벌인력양성교육프로그램, 프로그램의 국제화 등을 위한 체험학습프로그램이 필요하다고 답하였다. 사라져가는 전통직물산업의 지속적인 유지발전을 위해서는 청년층의 인력을 참여시켜 실생활에 적용하고 생활화할 수 있는 현실성 있는 대책마련과 노력이 시급하다고 사료된다. 그러므로 지역의 전통직물산업을 활성화하기 위해서는 융합산업에 의한 제품개발과 이를 위한 다양하고 장기적인 전문 인력 양성 정책이 요망된다. 지역전통문화산업은 지역 전체의 활성화 전략의 큰 기둥이므로 수요개척, 인재의 확보와 육성 등의 과제에 대해서 지역민 모두의 협력 체제가 바람직하며, 지역 내뿐만 아니라, 주변의 경제권·생활권·문화권, 해외 지역 등과의 광역 연대가 필요하다. 따라서 산‧학‧관 네트워킹에 의한 청년층의 적극적 참여와 아이디어 발굴이 향후 안동포발전과 산업화를 위한 중요한 과제가 될 것이다.

Andong is recognized as a home of Confucian culture, with many traditional cultural inheritances there, such as Andongpo and the Hahwae Mask. Therefore, there have been several trials in Andong with a view to developing the traditional cultural industry with its own cultural character. However such trials have faced difficulties due to various environmental causes. By way of solving this current problem, local females have endeavored to modernize and globalize the excellent local traditional culture resources on show at Andong, such as Andongpo, Andong Hanji, Sangju Silk, and Natural Dyeing, which also utilize local green fabrics. Andong has also become associated with the wellbeing industry and, moreover, its links with the traditional cultural industry is of great interest and potential to the tourism industry. Despite the human, material and environmental assets it has, the traditional culture industry has not sought to develop itself as a whole. The reasons for this are: first, the effort required for managing human resources technically and using their potential are insufficient within the industry; second, there has been an insufficient level of effort applied for the creation of designs of traditional cultural products, as well as commercializing and publicizing it. There is an urgent need to have preparations and efforts directed towards an actuality that can applied to real life businesses, because there is currently a dwindling supply of adequate labor force for the task of participating in the ongoing preservation development of culture heritage. Therefore, local colleges, equipped with special human resources, and facilities connected with citizens should execute programs for the practical and efficient use of talented human resources. Contents and methods for this research were as follows: establish a human-network for individuals who work for traditional cultural industries in Northern Gyongbuk; collect basic materials about Confucian culture and traditional culture; research examples of foreign traditional cultural industries; analyze training programs for individuals who work in traditional cultural industries in Northern Gyongbuk. The policy proposals of regional development programs connected with the traditional green fabrics are as follows: systematize the farm holdings of traditional green fabrics and establish systems for the stable supply of raw materials; establish a design development center for traditional green fabrics; and make full use of investigations, facilities and human resources of local colleges. As part of ensuring the full use of training programs for strengthening human resource abilities, this includes: developing training programs that reflect the Confucian cultural context of Northern Gyongbuk; developing training programs that strengthen cross-industry collaboration; develop training programs that allow for improved co-operation with other cities; develop training programs that are related to the indigenous products of the region; develop training programs that are related to Green Design; arrange work-study programs and tour fashion shows around the Andong, Sangju and Yeongju areas; develop fashion innovation programs for green design; and develop global talent training programs connected with Andong National Mask Dance Festival.

Andong is recognized as a home of Confucian culture, with many traditional cultural inheritances there, such as Andongpo and the Hahwae Mask. Therefore, there have been several trials in Andong with a view to developing the traditional cultural industry with its own cultural character. However such trials have faced difficulties due to various environmental causes. By way of solving this current problem, local females have endeavored to modernize and globalize the excellent local traditional culture resources on show at Andong, such as Andongpo, Andong Hanji, Sangju Silk, and Natural Dyeing, which also utilize local green fabrics. Andong has also become associated with the wellbeing industry and, moreover, its links with the traditional cultural industry is of great interest and potential to the tourism industry. Despite the human, material and environmental assets it has, the traditional culture industry has not sought to develop itself as a whole. The reasons for this are: first, the effort required for managing human resources technically and using their potential are insufficient within the industry; second, there has been an insufficient level of effort applied for the creation of designs of traditional cultural products, as well as commercializing and publicizing it. There is an urgent need to have preparations and efforts directed towards an actuality that can applied to real life businesses, because there is currently a dwindling supply of adequate labor force for the task of participating in the ongoing preservation development of culture heritage. Therefore, local colleges, equipped with special human resources, and facilities connected with citizens should execute programs for the practical and efficient use of talented human resources. Contents and methods for this research were as follows: establish a human-network for individuals who work for traditional cultural industries in Northern Gyongbuk; collect basic materials about Confucian culture and traditional culture; research examples of foreign traditional cultural industries; analyze training programs for individuals who work in traditional cultural industries in Northern Gyongbuk. The policy proposals of regional development programs connected with the traditional green fabrics are as follows: systematize the farm holdings of traditional green fabrics and establish systems for the stable supply of raw materials; establish a design development center for traditional green fabrics; and make full use of investigations, facilities and human resources of local colleges. As part of ensuring the full use of training programs for strengthening human resource abilities, this includes: developing training programs that reflect the Confucian cultural context of Northern Gyongbuk; developing training programs that strengthen cross-industry collaboration; develop training programs that allow for improved co-operation with other cities; develop training programs that are related to the indigenous products of the region; develop training programs that are related to Green Design; arrange work-study programs and tour fashion shows around the Andong, Sangju and Yeongju areas; develop fashion innovation programs for green design; and develop global talent training programs connected with Andong National Mask Dance Festival.