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이 글은 68혁명과 그 이후 전개된 자율운동을 이탈리아의 점거운동을 중심으로 기술하고 그 함의를 검토하려 한다. 이탈리아에는 68혁명 이전에 노동자의 독자성을 강조하는 노동자주의라는 운동 흐름이 있었다. 68혁명에서 학생들이 대학을 점거하면서 반권위주의와 자율성을 내세우며 투쟁에 나섰다. 학생들의 투쟁에 뒤이어 1969년 노동자들의 투쟁이 확산되면서 학생운동과 노동자운동이 결합해나갔다. 이러한 결합으로 투쟁은 점차 공장에서 사회로 확산되어갔다. 공장에서는 내부행진과 점거투쟁이 일어났고, 노조투쟁은 사회적 투쟁들과 결합해나갔다. 공장점거의 움직임과 더불어 다양한 점거투쟁이 나타났다. 주택점거, 임차료파업, 자율축소운동, 자유라디오운동, 건강센터운동, 죄수운동 등은 인민의 직접적인 요구를 충족시키기 위한 것이었다. 이러한 운동에 기반하여 1970년대 중반 이후 사회센터운동과 여성센터운동이 나타나게 됐다. 사회센터운동은 청년들이 빈 건물을 점거하여 자신들이 원하는 다양한 활동을 벌여나가는 공간전유운동이다. 이 운동은 1970년대 내내 불법적인 공간으로 남아 있었으며 1980년대 동안 이단적인 실험의 섬들로 존재했다. 여성센터운동도 여성주의자들이 빈 건물을 점거하거나 지방정부의 양해 아래 건물들을 접수하고 거기서 여성들을 위한 다양한 문화활동을 벌여나간 것이었다. 이러한 점거운동은 공장(생산부문)과 그것을 둘러싼 사회(재생산부문)에서 다양한 방식으로 반권위주의와 자율성을 실현해가려는 움직임이라 할 수 있다. 다양한 집합체들과 사회센터들은 국가와 자본주의시장으로부터 독립적인 공간을 만들어 자주관리 해나가는 미시코뮌들이었다. 더 나아가 여성센터운동은 여성적인 자유의 공간을 창조하여 그 속에서 여성되기를 통해 기존의 남성적인 제도들을 변형시켜가면서 사회의 지형도를 넓히는 것이었다. 더욱이 사회센터운동과 여성센터운동은 더 이상 집중화된 방식이 아니라 분산적인 방식을 통해 다양한 자유공간, 다양한 미시코뮌을 만들어가는 방향을 제시한다.

This article aims to describe the 68 revolution and thereafter squatting movement in Italy, and to examine its implications. In Italy there was the workerism before the 68 revolution, which emphasized the independence of working class. At the 68 revolution, students occupied universities and struggled for anti-authoritarianism and autonomy. With the expansion of workers’ struggle at 1969, workers movement came to be allied with students movement. With this alliance, struggle(movement) had been diffused from factory to society. In factory, internal parades and occupying struggles appeared, trade union struggles went beyond factory to combine other social struggles. Squatting movements such as housing occupation, rent strike, auto-reduction movement, free radio movement, health center movement, movement for prisoners had the aim to satisfy people’s immediate needs. Since the second half of 1970s, social center movement and women center movement had begun. Social center movement is a space-appropriation movement which occupied the vacant buildings and made their own spaces. This movement had been illegal throughout the 1970s-1980s. Social centers existed as dissident laboratories during 1980s. Women center movement had been performed by feminists who occupied vacant buildings or got the right to use them under the agreement of local governments or cities and used them for their cultural activities. These squatting(occupation) movements aimed to realise the anti-authoritarianism and autonomy in factory(production sector) and in its surrounding society(reproduction sector). Various collectives and social centers was micro-communes which created and self-managed spaces free from capitalist market and state. Moreover women center movement created female free spaces and practiced the becoming-women within them. So they transformed the given male institutions and widened the morphology of social life and movement. Social center movement and women center movement suggest the orientation of movement to create various free spaces, various micro-communes in not centralized but scattered way.

This article aims to describe the 68 revolution and thereafter squatting movement in Italy, and to examine its implications. In Italy there was the workerism before the 68 revolution, which emphasized the independence of working class. At the 68 revolution, students occupied universities and struggled for anti-authoritarianism and autonomy. With the expansion of workers’ struggle at 1969, workers movement came to be allied with students movement. With this alliance, struggle(movement) had been diffused from factory to society. In factory, internal parades and occupying struggles appeared, trade union struggles went beyond factory to combine other social struggles. Squatting movements such as housing occupation, rent strike, auto-reduction movement, free radio movement, health center movement, movement for prisoners had the aim to satisfy people’s immediate needs. Since the second half of 1970s, social center movement and women center movement had begun. Social center movement is a space-appropriation movement which occupied the vacant buildings and made their own spaces. This movement had been illegal throughout the 1970s-1980s. Social centers existed as dissident laboratories during 1980s. Women center movement had been performed by feminists who occupied vacant buildings or got the right to use them under the agreement of local governments or cities and used them for their cultural activities. These squatting(occupation) movements aimed to realise the anti-authoritarianism and autonomy in factory(production sector) and in its surrounding society(reproduction sector). Various collectives and social centers was micro-communes which created and self-managed spaces free from capitalist market and state. Moreover women center movement created female free spaces and practiced the becoming-women within them. So they transformed the given male institutions and widened the morphology of social life and movement. Social center movement and women center movement suggest the orientation of movement to create various free spaces, various micro-communes in not centralized but scattered way.