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The US economy is currently experiencing its worst crisis since the Great Depression. The crisis started in the home mortgage market, especially the so-called “subprime” mortgages, and is now spreading beyond subprime to prime mortgages, commercial real estate, corporate junk bonds, and other forms of debt. Total losses of US banks could reach as high as half of the total bank capital, which would lead to a sharp reduction in bank lending, which in turn could cause a severe recession in the US economy. The paper analyzes the underlying causes of the current crisis, and also estimates of how bad the crisis is likely to be. Then, the government economic policies pursued so far (by both the Fed and Congress) to deal with the crisis are discussed. The final section makes recommendations for more radical government policies that the Left should advocate and support in response to this crisis.

The US economy is currently experiencing its worst crisis since the Great Depression. The crisis started in the home mortgage market, especially the so-called “subprime” mortgages, and is now spreading beyond subprime to prime mortgages, commercial real estate, corporate junk bonds, and other forms of debt. Total losses of US banks could reach as high as half of the total bank capital, which would lead to a sharp reduction in bank lending, which in turn could cause a severe recession in the US economy. The paper analyzes the underlying causes of the current crisis, and also estimates of how bad the crisis is likely to be. Then, the government economic policies pursued so far (by both the Fed and Congress) to deal with the crisis are discussed. The final section makes recommendations for more radical government policies that the Left should advocate and support in response to this crisis.

현재 미국 경제는 1929년 대공황 이래 최악의 위기를 경험하고 있다. 이 위기는 주택담보대출(home mortgage) 시장, 특히 소위 “서브프라임” 모기지 시장에서 출발했으며, 이제는 서브프라임 모기지 시장을 넘어 프라임 모기지 시장, 상업용 부동산, 부실 회사채, 그리고 기타 채권으로 확대되고 있다. 미국 은행들의 총손실은 그들 총자본의 절반에 육박하고 있는데, 이는 은행 대출의 급격한 축소로 이어질 수 있고, 이어서 미국 경제의 심각한 불황을 초래할 수 있다. 이 논문은 현 위기의 근본 원인을 분석하고 이 위기가 얼마나 심각한지를 추정한다. 그런 다음 지금까지 (연방준비제도이사회와 미 의회가) 이 위기에 대처하기 위해 추진했던 정부의 경제 정책들을 다룬다. 마지막 절은 좌파들이 이번 위기에 대해 주장하고 지지할 수 있는 더욱 급진적인 정부 정책들에 대한 제안을 하고 있다.