초록 열기/닫기 버튼
This study analyzed the coordination mechanism of policy conflicts in the case of the Dong-River dam project between the Ministry of Construction and Transportation and the Ministry of Environment. The study tries to define the relation between the policy participants' strategies and the policy coordination mechanisms in the development processes of water resources. We first found that there was an effective mechanism for the arbitration of interests by the joint investigative team. The team was successful because there was the participative policy making structure, the institutionalization of formal discussion, and the presentation of credible data in the conflict coordination process. We also found that the strategies of conflicting parties changed according to the structure of policy participants, and consequently the coordination mechanisms changed. In accordance, we emphasize the necessity to unlearn and properly relearn the revised coordination mechanisms to coordinate complex and value-involved conflicts.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
policy conflict, coordination mechanism, development of water resources