초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this paper, I propose a unified analysis for four patterns of numeral classifier constructions, capitalizing on the idea of a DP structure which embeds a small clause. By appealing to the general theory of movement for feature-checking, the patterns of numeral classifier constructions will be shown to be directly accounted for. The proposed analysis can directly account for demonstrative recursion, which annuls one of the arguments against a DP projection in classifier languages.

In this paper, I propose a unified analysis for four patterns of numeral classifier constructions, capitalizing on the idea of a DP structure which embeds a small clause. By appealing to the general theory of movement for feature-checking, the patterns of numeral classifier constructions will be shown to be directly accounted for. The proposed analysis can directly account for demonstrative recursion, which annuls one of the arguments against a DP projection in classifier languages.