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벼루는 단순한 민속품이나 공예품의 차원을 넘어 예로부터 선비문인들의 정신이 깃든 물건으로 중시되어 온 것이다. 그러나 현재 우리는 그것의 가치를 간과하고 있다. 안동은 옛날 우리나라 벼루 산지 가운데 중요한 곳 가운데 한 곳이었다. 본고는 먼저 벼루의 문화적 가치를 조명하고 그 다음에는 우리나라 벼루 속에서의 안동 벼루의 위상에 대해 논하며, 마지막으로 안동벼루의 역사와 그 특징에 대해 알아보기로 한다.

Inkstone was a very important thing in ancient literary men. In oriental countries like china、korea and japan, it was called 'Munbangsabo', and was highly valued. Many people especially literary men regarded it as a part of their body, they loved it, and respected it, because it was a very important tool in their writing, besides they admired the virtue of inkstone. But today the utility of inkstone is gone, so we don't pay attention to it. First this paper seeks the meaning of inkstone in ancient society, next research the inkstone of Andong. The inkstones of Andong were very popular in Chosun dynasty, but some people said they were worst of all. So I will illustrate with some examples for the reason why. Finally I will introduce some inkstones of Andong in my possession and analyze the characteristics and natures of Andong inkstones.