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EC-Biotech 사건의 패널은 GMOs를 SPS 협정에 부합하는 위험요인으로 간주하고, 이로 인한 위험으로부터의 보호범위, 즉 피해를 광의적으로 인정하고 있다. 이러한 WTO 패널의 판결내용은 다음과 같은 의미를 주고 있다. 첫째, WTO가 작물 이외의 여타 GMOs와 새로운 기술 및 제품도 SPS 협정에 부합하는 요인으로 확대하여 적용할 가능성이 크며, 향후 기술의 혁신과 그로 인한 제품개발의 속도에 부합하는 규정의 개정 또는 제정노력이 WTO 내에서 이루어질 가능성이 희박하다. 게다가 다자간환경협약에서 다루고 있는 대상까지 SPS 협정의 대상으로 포괄하는 경우 사전예방원칙에 근거하여 국제무역에서 적절한 보호수준을 보장하려는 사회적 합리성 기반의 국제환경법 체제와 질서를 무력화시킬 수 있는 소지가 있다. 둘째, WTO가 환경과 관련한 매우 다양한 사회․경제적 요인을 고려하여 GMOs에 대한 무역관련 SPS 조치를 취할 수 있는 WTO 회원국의 권리를 인정하고 있어 MEAs와의 상호지지성을 추구하고 있다는 것을 표출하고 있는 것 같이 보이지만, 이는 WTO 규정의 특성상 GMOs 무역관련 SPS 조치에 대해 과학적 원리를 재차 강조하기 위한 WTO의 의도일 수 있다. 셋째, GMOs의 무역과 관련될 수 있는 협정 가운데 SPS 협정이 다른 어느 협정보다 우선 적용될 수 있기 때문에, 동 사건 패널의 결정은 WTO가 사회․경제적 요인을 고려한 각국, 특히 수입국의 GMOs 관련 무역규제조치에 정당성을 부여하는데 한계로 작용할 것이다.

This paper analyzes WTO Panel's decision on the application of the SPS Agreement to biotech products. The Panel's decision has three implications for trade policies on GMOs in the future. First, the Panel, based on the definition of dictionary, FAO, Codex, IPPC, ISPM, concluded that GMOs could be considered as risk factors within the meaning of SPS Agreement. Based on the Panel's approach and conclusion, other GMOs as well as fusion products derived from NT, BT or IT can be considered as risk factors within the meaning of SPS Agreement. The Panel's approach showed that the WTO would lack much consideration of enactment or amendment of rules harmonized with innovative products development in the future. Second, the Panel admitted that other damage could include any damage in terms of economic value, property or biodiversity. It is likely that the WTO would admit the members' right to adopt the SPS measures by taking into account various socio-economic factors related to GMOs in the future. That, however, is different from whether each WTO member's SPS measures on GMOs can be in accordance with the rules of SPS Agreement. Finally, the Panel recognized regulations of GMOs could be considered as measure included in the SPS Agreement. The Panel's decision will act as the limitation in justification of the members' trade policies on GMOs taking into account its socio-economic factors in the future.

This paper analyzes WTO Panel's decision on the application of the SPS Agreement to biotech products. The Panel's decision has three implications for trade policies on GMOs in the future. First, the Panel, based on the definition of dictionary, FAO, Codex, IPPC, ISPM, concluded that GMOs could be considered as risk factors within the meaning of SPS Agreement. Based on the Panel's approach and conclusion, other GMOs as well as fusion products derived from NT, BT or IT can be considered as risk factors within the meaning of SPS Agreement. The Panel's approach showed that the WTO would lack much consideration of enactment or amendment of rules harmonized with innovative products development in the future. Second, the Panel admitted that other damage could include any damage in terms of economic value, property or biodiversity. It is likely that the WTO would admit the members' right to adopt the SPS measures by taking into account various socio-economic factors related to GMOs in the future. That, however, is different from whether each WTO member's SPS measures on GMOs can be in accordance with the rules of SPS Agreement. Finally, the Panel recognized regulations of GMOs could be considered as measure included in the SPS Agreement. The Panel's decision will act as the limitation in justification of the members' trade policies on GMOs taking into account its socio-economic factors in the future.