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본 연구에서는 공포소구와 설득효과 간에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 개인차 변수로 자기감시를 채택하여 이 변수가 공익광고에서 공포수준 및 공포유형과 상호작용하여 수용자의 광고태도 및 행동의도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 검증하였다. 실험결과, 공포유형이 사회적 위협인 경우에 자기감시가 낮은 사람들보다 자기감시가 높은 사람들이 광고태도와 행동의도에서 유의하게 호의적으로 나타났고, 신체적 위협에서는 광고태도와 행동의도 모두에서 자기감시 고/저 사이에 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 아울러 사회적 위협이면서 공포수준이 높은 경우, 자기감시가 높은 사람들이 자기감시가 낮은 사람들보다 유의하게 광고태도가 호의적으로 나타난 반면, 사회적 위협이면서 공포수준이 낮은 경우에는 자기감시 고/저 사이에 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 신체적 위협에서도 공포수준과 상관없이 자기감시 고/저 사이에 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구결과, 사회적 수용성에 민감한 자기감시가 높은 사람들을 대상으로 공포소구를 이용한 공익광고를 제작할 경우, 신체적 위협보다는 사회적 위협으로 그리고 공포수준이 낮은 광고보다는 공포수준이 높은 광고를 제작할 때 공익광고의 설득효과가 클 수 있음을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 의의는 기존연구에서는 일관적인 결과를 얻지 못했던 사회적 위협의 효과가 사회적 수용성에 민감한 사람들을 수용자로 할 때 광고태도와 행동의도에서 효과적임을 확인한 것이다.

The Influence of Fear Level, Fear Type, and Self-monitoring on Persuasion Effect of Public Service Ad The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of self-monitoring and two variables in fear appeal on persuasion effect of public service ad. The independent variables are fear level, fear type, and self-monitoring. To examine persuasion effect, this study used attitude toward the advertising and behavioral intention as the dependent variables. This study is based on 2(fear level: high/low)×2(fear type: social threat/physical threat)×2(self-monitoring: high/low) completely randomized factorial design. The results of the study are as follows. First, two-way interaction of fear type×self-monitoring was significant in ad attitude and behavioral intention. When the fear type was social threat, the people of high self-monitoring had higher score in ad attitude and behavioral intention than the people of low self-monitoring. Second, three-way interaction of fear level×fear type×self-monitoring was significant in ad attitude, but not in behavioral intention. When the fear type was social threat with high fear, the people of high self-monitoring had higher score in ad attitude than the people of low self-monitoring. As a result, this study reached the following conclusion. When the public service ad is created by using fear appeal, it is better to consider individual differences. When the target is the people who has sensitive social acceptance, the social threat ad can be more effective than the physical threat ad. Therefore, it is important to create the public service ad in consideration of the target.

The Influence of Fear Level, Fear Type, and Self-monitoring on Persuasion Effect of Public Service Ad The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of self-monitoring and two variables in fear appeal on persuasion effect of public service ad. The independent variables are fear level, fear type, and self-monitoring. To examine persuasion effect, this study used attitude toward the advertising and behavioral intention as the dependent variables. This study is based on 2(fear level: high/low)×2(fear type: social threat/physical threat)×2(self-monitoring: high/low) completely randomized factorial design. The results of the study are as follows. First, two-way interaction of fear type×self-monitoring was significant in ad attitude and behavioral intention. When the fear type was social threat, the people of high self-monitoring had higher score in ad attitude and behavioral intention than the people of low self-monitoring. Second, three-way interaction of fear level×fear type×self-monitoring was significant in ad attitude, but not in behavioral intention. When the fear type was social threat with high fear, the people of high self-monitoring had higher score in ad attitude than the people of low self-monitoring. As a result, this study reached the following conclusion. When the public service ad is created by using fear appeal, it is better to consider individual differences. When the target is the people who has sensitive social acceptance, the social threat ad can be more effective than the physical threat ad. Therefore, it is important to create the public service ad in consideration of the target.