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본 연구는 건강기능식품 표시·광고 규제의 특성이 허위·과대의 표시·광 고 금지규정에 있다고 논의한 후, 특히 그 핵심은 의약품으로 오인·혼동할 우 려가 있는 표현 금지 규정에 있다고 보고 실제로 동 규정이 어떻게 적용되고 있 는지를 알아보기 위해 1046건의 건강기능식품 표시·광고 심의사례를 수집하 여‘수정적합’판정을 받은 708건을 질적 방법에 의해 내용분석하였다. 분석 결과에 의하면, 31%가‘삭제’의 시정 처분을, 28%가 의약품 오인·혼동 표현 에 대해 수정하도록(중복 적용) 처분받았다. 대부분의 시정사항들이 의약품 오 인·혼동 여부와는 관련이 없는‘사실과 다르거나 과장된 표현’으로 인해 판정 된 것이었다. 따라서 전체적으로 보면 의약품으로 오인·혼동할 우려로 인해 삭제 또는 수정으로‘수정적합’처분을 받은 사례는 20% 정도에 그쳤다. 이 결 과를 통해 사업자가 의식적으로 법에서 금지하고 있는 의약품 관련 표현을 하 지 않아서 대체로 법 규정이 잘 지켜지고 있다는 것으로 생각할 수 있지만 동시 에 규제가 지나치기 때문인 것으로도 볼 수 있다. 일관성이 결여되어 있거나 애 매모호한 적용들이 상당 수 발견되어 객관적이고 합리적인 근거의 존재 유무에 따라 판단하기보다는 의약품 오인 가능성을 너무 넓게 해석하여 과도한 규제를 하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 결론적으로, 보다 명확하고 합리적인 광고심의 규정 정비가 시급하며 표시와 광고의 규제제도를 분리하여 표시에 대한 사전심의제 는 철폐하고 그 대신 보다 엄격한 표시기준을 마련할 필요가 있다는 것이 제시 되었다.

The purpose of this study is to find that how the forbidden clauses of Health Functional Food Act are applied to the false/exaggerated statements or expressions in labelling and advertising and suggest the remedies of the regulatory system for the consumer protection and the health functional food industry. Recognizing that the kernel of the clauses if that health functional food should be discriminated from medical supplies, 708 jucidial precedents(advertising) were analyzed qualitatively, which were judged appropriate in terms o amendment, from the total of 1046. As a result, 217(31%; 21% of the total) were judged ‘partly or totally delete’ and 199(28%; 19% of the total) were judged ‘amended’, including the duplicate precedents. Most of the 708 were judged qppropriate in terms of amendment, which were caused by untruthful/exaggerated statements of expressions, not misconceived/confused with medical supplies which were only 20% of the total. It is argued that the industry complies with the regulations, but on the other hand the regulation system is enforced strictly. The application of the clauses is unjustly and lack of consistency, that is that the interpretation of the clauses is too broad for the possibility of misconception/confusion, not depending on the objective and reasonable evidences. Conclusively, it is suggested that the advertising standard should be remedied more definitely and deregulated for increasing the autonomy of industry, and separated from the labelling standard. However, the preliminary review system of the labelling should be removed and the labelling standard should be strengthened for providing correct information to the consumers.

The purpose of this study is to find that how the forbidden clauses of Health Functional Food Act are applied to the false/exaggerated statements or expressions in labelling and advertising and suggest the remedies of the regulatory system for the consumer protection and the health functional food industry. Recognizing that the kernel of the clauses if that health functional food should be discriminated from medical supplies, 708 jucidial precedents(advertising) were analyzed qualitatively, which were judged appropriate in terms o amendment, from the total of 1046. As a result, 217(31%; 21% of the total) were judged ‘partly or totally delete’ and 199(28%; 19% of the total) were judged ‘amended’, including the duplicate precedents. Most of the 708 were judged qppropriate in terms of amendment, which were caused by untruthful/exaggerated statements of expressions, not misconceived/confused with medical supplies which were only 20% of the total. It is argued that the industry complies with the regulations, but on the other hand the regulation system is enforced strictly. The application of the clauses is unjustly and lack of consistency, that is that the interpretation of the clauses is too broad for the possibility of misconception/confusion, not depending on the objective and reasonable evidences. Conclusively, it is suggested that the advertising standard should be remedied more definitely and deregulated for increasing the autonomy of industry, and separated from the labelling standard. However, the preliminary review system of the labelling should be removed and the labelling standard should be strengthened for providing correct information to the consumers.