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This study aimed to determine educational contents that need to be considered for speech teaching in university in the context of discourse construction. To this end, this paper analyzed educational content related factors that should be taken into consideration in constructing discourse, based on learner’s self-evaluation of speech, and explored a variety of discourse related factors to be included in speech teaching in the future. The types of speech suitable for university learners have been determined, and the hierarchy of contents in speech teaching was established. First, in relations to the official purpose of speech, which is linked with the very purpose of undertaking the act of discourse, discourse can be categorized into informative, persuasive or emotional, based on the speech content creation and organization. Also depending on the relationship between the speaker and the listener, which is another speech factor, discourse can be either official or personal. It is proposed that the teaching of speech for official discourse should deal with specific types of discourse such as public speaking and/or discussion for academic purposes and job interview for professional purposes. Given that university learners are required to perform official speaking activities for academic purposes, public speaking is selected as the main subject of speech teaching, and the educational contents in speech teaching are prioritized accordingly. It is suggested that the public speaking anxiety issue should be addressed as the very basics of speech teaching, drawing upon learner’s self evaluation results. Then, gestures, an important factor in public speaking, and other elements of spoken language expression such as pace, voice and volume should be covered as core teaching and learning contents in the first stage of the speech teaching curriculum

This study aimed to determine educational contents that need to be considered for speech teaching in university in the context of discourse construction. To this end, this paper analyzed educational content related factors that should be taken into consideration in constructing discourse, based on learner’s self-evaluation of speech, and explored a variety of discourse related factors to be included in speech teaching in the future. The types of speech suitable for university learners have been determined, and the hierarchy of contents in speech teaching was established. First, in relations to the official purpose of speech, which is linked with the very purpose of undertaking the act of discourse, discourse can be categorized into informative, persuasive or emotional, based on the speech content creation and organization. Also depending on the relationship between the speaker and the listener, which is another speech factor, discourse can be either official or personal. It is proposed that the teaching of speech for official discourse should deal with specific types of discourse such as public speaking and/or discussion for academic purposes and job interview for professional purposes. Given that university learners are required to perform official speaking activities for academic purposes, public speaking is selected as the main subject of speech teaching, and the educational contents in speech teaching are prioritized accordingly. It is suggested that the public speaking anxiety issue should be addressed as the very basics of speech teaching, drawing upon learner’s self evaluation results. Then, gestures, an important factor in public speaking, and other elements of spoken language expression such as pace, voice and volume should be covered as core teaching and learning contents in the first stage of the speech teaching curriculum