초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study is to inquire written language norms(or orthography) in the foreign countries for reforming Korea Orthography. There are many countries-England, USA, German, France and so on that revised their written language systems. Because language user needs to change their orthographies in account of raising the new language environment. For instance, the Spelling Society tried for modifying English spelling. That movement was received widespread support among the English speaker. The Plain English Law of 2010 has been enacted in U. S. A. for amending the written systems to be utilized for all documents and web-page in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner. In addition, the rules of spelling were revised in German and France for simplifying the orthography. We reached several implications for revising the Korea Orthography in examining the foreign language norms. We have to reconsider the goal of spelling revision, simplify the content of language norms, change to adjust the spells to sounds, and deliberate authentic ways in that we use the language in the new environment. Most of all, we have to revise the Korea Orthography in the way of improving communicative effects and conserving the linguistic characteristics.