초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Among the proposals for Korean unification, the idea of federalism has received renewed attention in public and academic commentary. This article argues that a federal system offers the best framework for considering the development of global and local support for a unified Korea. Following a methodological preamble, the article presents a working theory and associated heuristic for Korean unification in a federal system. It considers counterarguments to the federalist case and then explicates the political and cultural foundation for our view of Korean federalism, namely, a conception of Korean national sovereignty based upon unified self-determination and Confucian social democracy. Specific constitutional bases and related policies to implement Korean federalism will then be outlined. These concern inter-Korean relations and institutions and key regional and international supports for unification.

Among the proposals for Korean unification, the idea of federalism has received renewed attention in public and academic commentary. This article argues that a federal system offers the best framework for considering the development of global and local support for a unified Korea. Following a methodological preamble, the article presents a working theory and associated heuristic for Korean unification in a federal system. It considers counterarguments to the federalist case and then explicates the political and cultural foundation for our view of Korean federalism, namely, a conception of Korean national sovereignty based upon unified self-determination and Confucian social democracy. Specific constitutional bases and related policies to implement Korean federalism will then be outlined. These concern inter-Korean relations and institutions and key regional and international supports for unification.