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조운이란 전국의 현물 세곡을 해안변이나 하천변의 창(倉)이란 일정한 장소에 수납하여 두었다가 선박에 의해 수도로 운반하는 것으로 내포지역은 우리나라 최대의 해상교통로로 조운과 관련된 신앙이 있었다. 충남 내포지역 수운로상에는 해안 및 하안에 조창이 65곳 파악되는데 각 군현별로 창(倉)을 설치하고 세곡을 경창(京倉)으로 수송하기에 앞서 안전한 항해를 위해 기원하던 창성황당이 조운로 조창지마다 분포해 경창에 세곡이 입고될 때까지 해난사고를 막고 순풍이 불길 기원했으나, 육상교통의 발달과 간척사업으로 육지화 됨으로써 모두 소멸해 그 흔적조차 찾을 수 없다. 다만 일부가 구전으로 전하고, 서산시 성연면 명천리 산제당만 현존하나 기능이 사라져 해로의 안전을 기원하는 당의 기능보다 마을의 평안과 안녕을 기원하는 제당(제사지내는 당)으로 변화되었다.

Joun(This road was the main avenue for transorting the Grain Tax) is called the hurb for shiing the caital bound grain tax , that was stored in the Chang(a warehouse where grain tax is stored). The Neo area had native beliefs that were connected with Joun, Korea's biggest shiing route. There were 65 Jo-Changs built around the sea coast and by riverbanks near the shiing routes in the Chungnam Neo area. In each townshi a Chang was erected where there also stood a Changsunghwangdang, a lace where eole rayed for the safe sailing of the grain tax before it was transorted to the caital, this distribution took lace in every Jo-Chang laced beside the Joun road. In the Changsunghwangdang eole would ray for the shis to have good traveling weather and for there to be no sea accidents, they rayed until the grain arrived at it's final destination at the Kyung-Chang(the warehouse located in the nation's caital). But nowadays you can't even find any traces of them because they have comletely disaeared due to the develoment of ground transortation and land reclamation. Even though they have disaeared and you can only hear oral histories of them. There is one last remaining Sansunghwangdang located in Myungchon- ri, Songyon-myun, Seosan-shi. But while in old times this lace was used for safe voyages and successful transorts, these days it is used as a lace to ray for eace and roserity.

Joun(This road was the main avenue for transorting the Grain Tax) is called the hurb for shiing the caital bound grain tax , that was stored in the Chang(a warehouse where grain tax is stored). The Neo area had native beliefs that were connected with Joun, Korea's biggest shiing route. There were 65 Jo-Changs built around the sea coast and by riverbanks near the shiing routes in the Chungnam Neo area. In each townshi a Chang was erected where there also stood a Changsunghwangdang, a lace where eole rayed for the safe sailing of the grain tax before it was transorted to the caital, this distribution took lace in every Jo-Chang laced beside the Joun road. In the Changsunghwangdang eole would ray for the shis to have good traveling weather and for there to be no sea accidents, they rayed until the grain arrived at it's final destination at the Kyung-Chang(the warehouse located in the nation's caital). But nowadays you can't even find any traces of them because they have comletely disaeared due to the develoment of ground transortation and land reclamation. Even though they have disaeared and you can only hear oral histories of them. There is one last remaining Sansunghwangdang located in Myungchon- ri, Songyon-myun, Seosan-shi. But while in old times this lace was used for safe voyages and successful transorts, these days it is used as a lace to ray for eace and roserity.