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The objective of this article is evaluating the agrarian reform policy of the Lula's government(2003-2010), which had been inaugurated by the absolute support of grassroots' social movements like MST. But since 2008, when Lula's government enacted the provisory act 422, it's agrarian reform policies specially in the region of Amazon Legal were revealed that they favored the private ownership of the land by latifundio owners, against the MST's desire. In this reason Lula government's agrarian reform policies were designated as "contra-agrarian reform policies", and in it's consequence, the year 2009 would be marked in the Brazilian history as the origin year which permitted the private capitalistic property, like the Lei de Terras of 1850. Actually theses Lula government's policies were the continuity of the Brazilian ex-governments. Since the roots of modern capitalist development in Brazil are in its character as a country where a great deal of wealth is generated by landowners who do not produce anything on their land. A growing concentration of land ownership had been occurred not only in the period of the modernization of agriculture policy under Military Regime, but also is deteriorating under Lula's government. In this reason, Brazilian landless workers will not stop to struggle for their proper living against the violence and the murder threat of the landowners.