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헬레니즘 시대는 과학이 왕성하게 연구되었던 시대이며, 당시 활동했던 과학자들 또는 철학자들 중에 감각 이론에 대해 논문을 쓰지 않은 사람은 거의 없다. 여러 감각 중 특히 중요하게 다루어진 것이 시각이다. 우리는 에피쿠로스 학파, 페리파토스 학파와 수학자들, 그리고 스토아 학파의 시각이론을 분석함으로써 헬레니즘 시대의 주요한 시각이론이 어떤 것이었는지 살펴 볼 것이다. 또한 우리는 “영혼의 지휘부”, “영(靈)”, “시각” 등 스토아 시각론의 주요 어휘들이 어떤 의미로 사용되고 있는지 설명하는 동시에, “공기의 연장됨을 통해서 시각대상이 감각된다.”는 말이 무슨 뜻인지 해명함으로써, 스토아 학파가 시각의 과정과 관련되어 제기되는 의문들에 어떻게 답하고자 했는지 밝히고자 한다.

The Hellenistic period was one of the most creative period in the history of Greek science. In fact, there was hardly a philosopher or scientist during that time who did not write one or more treatises on the senses. Among the senses, vision was the most important. Analyzing three theories of vision competed for attention-namely, those of the mathematicians(or the Peripatetics), the Epicureans, and the Stoics, I will clarify the difference of the main theories of vision from the Hellenistic period down through late antiquity. Especially, explaining the meaning of “hegemonikon”, “pneuma”, “opsis”, and “the intervening air is extended with the raylike pneuma of the eyes”, I will show how the Stoics tried to solve the questions raised about the process of vision.

The Hellenistic period was one of the most creative period in the history of Greek science. In fact, there was hardly a philosopher or scientist during that time who did not write one or more treatises on the senses. Among the senses, vision was the most important. Analyzing three theories of vision competed for attention-namely, those of the mathematicians(or the Peripatetics), the Epicureans, and the Stoics, I will clarify the difference of the main theories of vision from the Hellenistic period down through late antiquity. Especially, explaining the meaning of “hegemonikon”, “pneuma”, “opsis”, and “the intervening air is extended with the raylike pneuma of the eyes”, I will show how the Stoics tried to solve the questions raised about the process of vision.