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This study is to explore and to criticize the Identity problem of Christian faith in the Korean Indigenous Theology in the View of Christian Faith of Ernst Troeltsch. The Point of this Study lies in the Acknowledgement, that the Christian Faith prepares a Solution for the Identity Problem of the Christian in their Culture. With the Acknowledgement tries an Author to explain, how the Identity problem of Christian faith in the Korean Indigenous Theology participates not only in the theological Hermeneutics problem of historical Jesus, but also in the Regulation of Relation of Christian Society to the Life of historical Jesus. For the Purpose of Explain should be applied -according to the historical Methode of Troeltsch, the Analogy, Critique, Correlation- the comparative, critical, Methode und the Methode of the Explain of the Christian Faith of Troeltsch for the Indigenous Theology in Korea. The Author criticizes, that the Korean Indigenous Theology raised the Crisis of Identity of Christian Faith and has lost the normative Meaning of historical Jesus. But in the Perspective of religious Pluralism emphasizes the Author affirmatively, that the Korean Indigenous Theology in the Relation with other Religions abandoned the Exclusivity of christian Truth like the Gospels of Jesus and put in the Dialogue with the other Religions for the Regulation of the religious Identity in Korea. For Pyun, Sun- Hwan is contributed the Cooperation of Korean Indigenous Theology with the Buddhism and the Minjungtheology for Liberation of 'Minjung' to the Formation of the religious Identity and religious Society in the korean Culture. Yun, Sungbum interpreted a Concept of Sung (誠) as historical Jesus, as Christ, as Jesus Christ. With this Concept tried he to organize a Christian Society as a Sung-Society. But for the Formation of Identity of Christian Faith in Korea maintains this Article, that the Korean Indigenous Theology must consider also not only the normative Meaning of historical Jesus for Christian Society in the Relation to the other Religions, but also the Development of Christian Common Spirit in religious Pluralism in the Relation to the Christian Theology of Ernst Troeltsch. Therefore, this Article suggests that, the Korean Indigenous Theology must contribute to the Development of religious Praxis in the religious Pluralism. This means, that the Korean Indigenous Theology on the one hand should reinterpret and reconstruct the Christian Truth for the Construction of christian Identity and christian Society, and should construct on the other hand Korean religious Identity in the Relation with other Religions. It means, that the Christian Faith of Ernst Troeltsch is valuable for Korean Indigenous Theology.