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『主婦之友』은 비교적 장기간에 걸쳐 발행되었던 본격적인 여성잡지로 독자의 중심이 중류이상의 교육을 받은 여성들이었으므로 당시 여성 의생활의 변천이 많이 반영되어 있다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 여성지에 나타난 근대 일본 신여성의 복식을 고찰한 결과, 다이쇼기 『主婦之友』는 다른 시대에 비해 전통적인 여성상을 강조하는 시대적 흐름에 맞추어 전통의상인 기모노를 착용한 현모양처와 같은 주부의 모습을 그려내고 있어, 직업을 가진 직업부인보다는 현명한 가정생활을 꾸려나가는 주부가 이상적이라는 것을 강조하였다. 그러나 도시문화의 발달과 함께 나타난 신계층으로 주부와 대별되는 개념인 직업부인의 등장은 신여성을 모던걸로 이행하게 하는 역할을 하였다. 신여성과 모던걸 모두 전통사회에서 현모양처 역할만을 강요당했던 구여성(舊女性)들과는 다른 여성상으로 등장했고, 이들은 복식은 검소한 생활을 강조하면서도, 새로운 유행의 흐름에는 뒤처지지 않겠다는 당시 여성들의 의복에 대한 가치관을 나타내고 있는 것이 특징이었다고 볼 수 있다.

“Friend of Housewives” (主婦之友) was a relatively long-time published women’s magazine widely read by many of educated middle-class Japanese women as its core readers during the Taisho period (大正期: July 30, 1912-December 25, 1926), and its contents (and editorial stance as a whole) tend to reflect, in many respects, the then transformation in their clothing style. The analysis of the clothing style of modern Japanese women shown in women’s magazines (女性誌) of this kind shows that “Friend of Housewives” in the Taisho period was, particularly, keen on depicting ideal image of woman as that of a good-wife-and-wise-mother figure wearing traditional Kimono, broadly in line with that period’s mainstream current of capitalizing on traditional image (and role) of women; what it valued as ideal image of woman related more to wise housewives taking care of households than to career women (職業婦人). However, the emergence of career women as a “new class” in the then Japanese society as urban culture started developing, whose concept/image tended to be differentiated from that of traditional housewives, paved the way for transforming this new class of women (i.e. career women) or the new women into becoming represented as the modern girl. Both new women and modern girls started emerging as the new role model of a woman different from the old women (舊女性) who were forced to play a role as a good-wife-and-wise-mother housewife in traditional patriarchal society. And the former’s overall clothing style tends to be reflective of then women’s values about clothes that emphasize their frugal lifestyles and, at the same time, their determination to catch up with this new trend agilely.