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본 연구는 간도가 중국이 관할하게 된 경위에 관해서 고찰했다. 간도는 일중간의 간도협약으로 중국영토로 고착화되었다. 그때에 일제 통감부가 간도지역에 파출소를 설치하여 중국의 행정에 대치하였을 때 시노다 지사쿠가 미친 영향은 매우 컸다. 간도협약이 체결되기 전, 시노다 지사쿠(篠田治策)의 간도론이 일본정부의 간도정책을 지지했다. 본 연구에서는 시노다의 간도론을 비판적으로 분석했다. 첫째, 일본은 간도문제를 본질적으로 해결하기 위한 것이 아니라 ‘국가를 위해’ 간도를 청국으로부터 분할 통치하려는 의도를 갖고 있었다. 둘째, 시노다는 한국영토로서 간도의 범위에 관해 중국으로부터 분할 가능한 지역으로서 한정하여 ‘동간도’ 지역을 한국영토라고 주장했다. 셋째, 시노다는 일본과 중국 사이에 일방적으로 체결된 간도협약에 관해 무효라는 입장이었다. 사실상 간도협약은 당사자인 한국이 아닌 일본 사이에 체결된 것이므로 무효이다. 넷째, 일본은 한민을 보호한다는 명분을 내세우며 간도지방에 들어갔지만, 실제로는 한민을 보호하기는커녕 한민을 이용하여 간도를 취하려고 했다. 다섯 번째, 당초 통감부파출소가 간도에 들어갈 때는 청국의 방해를 우려하여 ‘소속의 미정의 땅’이라고 주장했다가, 종국에는 중앙정부간의 협상을 끌어나기 위해 강도를 높여 ‘한국영토’라고 주장했다.

I studied about the proceedings which China can be taken the Kando in this study. Signed the Convention between Japan and China on the Kando. and than, Kando became Chinese territory. The Japanese government dropped out Kando territory. Instead, the Japanese government wanted to get a lot of profit from Manchuria. Then the Sinoda Jisaku criticized the Japanese government. Because The Sinnoda Jisagu want to take ‘Donggando’ as korean territory. Japan tried to take the Gando. Many South Korean people was living in Gando. Japan had sent troops to the Gando area. Because Japan told to protect the korea people. But japan’s claim was a lie. Japan had just used the korea people there. The first time, Japan had insisted there is no owner. gando is territory disputed. Because Japan wanted to avoid interference with China. Later, Japan had insisted korea territory. Because Japan wanted to force negotiations between the central government. Japan reduced the gando of korean territory as ‘East gando’ to take China’s permission. In the end, Japan was a failure.

I studied about the proceedings which China can be taken the Kando in this study. Signed the Convention between Japan and China on the Kando. and than, Kando became Chinese territory. The Japanese government dropped out Kando territory. Instead, the Japanese government wanted to get a lot of profit from Manchuria. Then the Sinoda Jisaku criticized the Japanese government. Because The Sinnoda Jisagu want to take ‘Donggando’ as korean territory. Japan tried to take the Gando. Many South Korean people was living in Gando. Japan had sent troops to the Gando area. Because Japan told to protect the korea people. But japan’s claim was a lie. Japan had just used the korea people there. The first time, Japan had insisted there is no owner. gando is territory disputed. Because Japan wanted to avoid interference with China. Later, Japan had insisted korea territory. Because Japan wanted to force negotiations between the central government. Japan reduced the gando of korean territory as ‘East gando’ to take China’s permission. In the end, Japan was a failure.