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The study is to lay emphasis on the ellipsis and deletion in target text of subtitling. Generally the ellipsis and the deletion refer to omitting something and removal of unimportant elements respectively. Subtitling is influenced on the temporal and spatial restrictions within physical frame. Therefore, it seems that ellipsis and deletion frequently happen compared with other literature translation. Thomas(42-46) argued that ellipsis should have identity condition, recoverability, contextural situation, or grammatical structure. On the other hand, Kovačič(252) said that deletion was dependant on context, and if some element was unimportant information, it would be deleted. In addition, if some element was expended or explicated relation on the context, so would it. On the basis of previous researches, this study observed subtitle materials of Films, Notting Hill(1999) and Must Love Dogs(2005) which translated English into Korean. The result of observation showed that ellipsis in target text worked at the categories like discourse markers, connectives, adverbials, and repeated information etc. And the elliptical elements were redundant information or cohesive and coherent phrases. They included relative clauses and whole sentences, and happened at the relation of meaning expansion or explanation. In conclusion, this study showed that the ellipsis was one thing, and deletion was another. Also, it tried to separate two concepts though, there was still the ambiguity between two boundaries.

The study is to lay emphasis on the ellipsis and deletion in target text of subtitling. Generally the ellipsis and the deletion refer to omitting something and removal of unimportant elements respectively. Subtitling is influenced on the temporal and spatial restrictions within physical frame. Therefore, it seems that ellipsis and deletion frequently happen compared with other literature translation. Thomas(42-46) argued that ellipsis should have identity condition, recoverability, contextural situation, or grammatical structure. On the other hand, Kovačič(252) said that deletion was dependant on context, and if some element was unimportant information, it would be deleted. In addition, if some element was expended or explicated relation on the context, so would it. On the basis of previous researches, this study observed subtitle materials of Films, Notting Hill(1999) and Must Love Dogs(2005) which translated English into Korean. The result of observation showed that ellipsis in target text worked at the categories like discourse markers, connectives, adverbials, and repeated information etc. And the elliptical elements were redundant information or cohesive and coherent phrases. They included relative clauses and whole sentences, and happened at the relation of meaning expansion or explanation. In conclusion, this study showed that the ellipsis was one thing, and deletion was another. Also, it tried to separate two concepts though, there was still the ambiguity between two boundaries.