초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Sight translation serves various functions within graduate-level conference interpreting programs. It is at once a tool for selecting interpreters, a pre-exercise for refining consecutive and simultaneous interpreting skills, and a form of professional interpreting in its own right. Calling for more focused and comprehensive training of sight translation as a form of interpreting to future interpreters, this paper attempts to identify aspects of interpreters’ sight translation within the context of their everyday practice. To this end, an open-ended questionnaire survey was conducted to 31 interpreters with Korean and English as their working languages. Questions were raised in areas involving the degree of exposure to sight translation, text types and modes of interpreting that are linked with the act, graduate-level sight translation training received, and pedagogic suggestions. Based on a qualitative analysis of the responses, areas for strengthening the teaching and learning of sight translation is proposed.