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The Guatemalan government and guerrilla forces(the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteco, URNG) signed peace accord in 1996, and ended the last armed conflict in Central America. After peace agreement in December 1996, the CEH(Comisión para el Esclarecimiento Histórico) was created and began its work in September 1997. The peace process created hopes for a deepening of democracy and socio-economic development. But social stability and democracy still were not fulfilled in Guatemala. Those responsible for the violence in civil conflict also were not punished,and still have power. This is particularly relevant with the incomplete transitional justice. Now, many civil society organization, such as GAM, FAMDEGUA, FAFG, ECAP, CALDH,are trying to complete transitional justice. They make effort to punish perpetrators who are responsible for the violence in civil conflict. They also are trying to develop human rights of indigenous Mayan people, and to resolve 'desaparecidos'. This action have a decisive effect on development of democracy in guatemala. Because it can make justice serves as to develop democracy.