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El reino de este mundo is one of the basic and initiative novels that have motivated the historical novels in their development which had been limited until the beginning of the 20th century since expanded from Europe in the 19th century. Among the possible reasons of its development stand out metamorphosis, ambiguity, irony and african elements. The metamorphosis, one of the most essential elements of ‘lo real maravilloso’ of Alejo Carpentier, appears frequently at our novel. This metamorphosis is based on the belief of the black slaves, and in this belief the metamorphosis is possible whenever and wherever. But all metamorphosis presented in our novel are ambiguous. In addition, the other incredible stories are also ambiguous. The ambiguity intervenes when relate Ti Noel the words of Bouckman. And intentionally avoid direct dialogs between important characters. The writer in the novel ridicules the kings of Europe and white people, but sometimes also ridicules attitudes of negros. Among the african elements we can also find elements of music, religion, kings, etc.