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Tomás Rivera started working in the fields located in the southwest of the United States from his childhood as coming along with his parents who had immigrated to Texas from Mexico. He earned a living by picking crops. The novel “...And the Earth Did Not Devour Him” was based on the experiences of migrant farm workers. This novel was published while the Chicano Movement was at the peak and contributed reinvigorate the Chicano spirit against the white supremacy in the United States. It acted as a literary protest against racial, socio-economic discrimination and political injustice. The objective of this study is to analyze the anecdotes related to migrant Chicano and to specify the Chicano images reflected in this novel. Due to their migratory life, the characters in the novel suffer from insecurity; they could not enjoy a home that gives them both economic and emotional stability. In summary, this novel documents the struggle of the minority Chicano, who was neglected and exploited while resisting the dominance culture by Anglo who exploits the labor of people. Also, it shows us the importance of the Chicano culture and Catholic religion that contain many critical important aspects derived from the Mexican life. This work became a land-mark in the Mexican American community’s search for identity.