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The Spanish black novel emerged as a boom in 1975, just after the death of General Franco, which meant a radical change in Spanish society. As journalism at that time still did not work freely, many journalists became writers to tell what they wanted independently. Therefore, these novelists chose the black genre in order to achieve that objective to report and reflect society.Juan Madrid is also one of them in this group. In his works, descriptions of the cases stand out for their aggressiveness, violence and cruelty. At least in the first three works Un beso de amigo (1980), Las apariencias no engaῇan (1982) and Regalo de la Casa (1986) of Toni Romano series have clearly these aspects, as these novels were published in the transition by the need to achieve the goal of Juan Madrid. Mujeres & Mujeres took almost ten years to appear. In 1995 the Spanish society and its environment had completely changed. The Spain of the 90's was totally different from the 80’s. Juan Madrid reflects these changes in his fourth novel in the series. Therefore, we can observe the developments mentioned in the novel Mujeres & Mujeres and the character of Toni Romano.