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this study is aimed to illuminate how ideology works through the media discourse in civil society which represents an event in such a specific way that demands the legitimacy of a specific policy. For that purpose, this study is built upon Hall's study on media and Alexander's theory of discursive structure of civil society. Hall argues that the media discourse represents “reality” in a particular way according to the universalistic structure of meanings. For him, ideology is that which the partial and particular accounts of the world achieves universality. Alexander ideal-typically constructs the discursive structure of civil society, showing the conflicting way in which such structure legitimates or delegitimates actions, relationships and institutions in civil society. Following his model, this study constructs the discursive structure of education regarding the three dimensions of motive, relationships and institutions. Then, I analyze the discourse of “school breakdown” developed in Chosun Ilbo. It is found that Chosun Ilbo has produced the discourse reflecting the Neo-liberal ideology out of selectively combining the lists of sacred educational codes, supporting the educational policies corresponding to that ideology.

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Civil Society,Media Discourse,the Politics of Representation,Public Education